A Letter From The Big Guy

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Day 2 of Ficmas: Trying to get into the Christmas spirit

"I know, bubba, I really don't wike it either," Chris said as he walked into their small home gym. Y/N stopped the treadmill as she saw the sad look on Chris' face. "Don't worry about it. Just because we're in a pandemic, doesn't mean Santa won't stop by. Trust me, I know the big guy!" Chris' lips formed a small smile, but it wasn't his real smile. "Okay, I love you too, bubba."

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Y/N immediately asked as Chris hung up the phone.

"Miles is a little bummed and not really in the Christmas mood," Chris sighed, almost as sad as his nephew was.

"What? But, that's his favorite holiday!"

"I know but, with the pandemic, he believes Santa won't come and drop off toys," Chris paused for a second. "It breaks my heart to see the kid that way, ya know? It's been such a shitty year and I'd hate to see him not having a holly, jolly Christmas. He's a kid. He's supposed to love Christmas, but his heart isn't in it."

Y/N placed her hand on his cheek, bringing him to look at her. "Are you sure we're not only talking about Miles?"

"Okay, I guess I'll admit, I'm just as bummed as he is. It's hard and it's going to be different this year. Sure, it was easier with all the previous holidays, but you know how big Christmas is with my family. We have a huge party and-"

"I know, baby, I know," Y/N wrapped her arms around him. "It's tough. It's tough on all of us. I'm lucky I get to see you and your family, but it's hard on me too. I haven't seen my family since March-"

"Shit," Chris mumbled underneath his breath. "I'm so sorry. I'm such an insensitive asshole-"

"Baby, it's okay. But, I have an idea," she pulled away and smiled at him. "Let's write a letter to Miles from Santa. We'll drop it off on his porch and tell him your friend sent him a note."

Chris' lips grew wide, "I love it. Come on, help me write it out.


Chris placed the letter on the porch swing and rang the doorbell. He quickly ran down the few steps and stood next to Y/N in the middle of the front yard.

"Hey, bubba!" Chris called out as soon as Miles opened the front door.

"Uncle Chris! Auntie Y/N!" He shouted excitedly. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I spoke to the Big Guy and he gave me a letter for you. It's right there, bud," Chris pointed at the letter. At this point, Ethan and Stella joined him. They excitedly waved at Chris and Y/N from the porch.

"Look Ma! A letter from Santa!" Miles shouted excitedly to Chris' sister. They all encouraged Miles to open it and read it out loud.

"Dear Miles," he read out loud. "You Uncle Chris told me you're worried about Christmas this year. I'm here to tell you, not to worry! I've been taking care of myself and my little helpers are following the rules to keep everyone safe and make sure all the kids get their presents. As long as you also social distance, wear your masks, and wash your hands. Continue to be a good boy because come Christmas morning, you'll find a lot of presents for you and your family, and all the other families around the world. Happy Holidays, Santa!"

Miles and Stella jumped up excitedly as Ethan got the letter and reread it to himself.

"Thank you, Uncle Chris!" Miles smiled. "Air hug!" He wrapped his arms around himself and hugged himself.

Chris' eyes welled up with tears knowing Miles was back in the holiday spirit thanks to Y/N's great idea. He and Y/N mimicked Mile's actions and did an air hug.

"We love you, Miles," Y/N said.

"I hope you're excited as I am," Chris smiled as his Christmas spirit has been restored as well. "Although things are different this year, we can still celebrate safety."

"I love you Uncle Chris and Auntie Y/N," Miles shouted.

"Ma, why does Santa's letter look like Uncle Chris' handwriting?" Ethan asked, earning a nervous look from his mom and a couple of snorts from Chris and Y/N.

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