We Don't Celebrate Valentine's Day Anymore

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Author's Note: I squeezed in three Valentine's prompts into one because I thought they all fit perfectly with this story I created. The prompts/quotes are in BOLD ITALIC.

Warnings: Mentions of accidentally getting hurt after a prank gone wrong. 


"Hey honey," Chris said as he wrapped his arms around Y/N, slightly preventing her from cutting the carrots. "It smells amazing. What are you making?"

Y/N put down the knife and turned around to face him. She smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck before leaning in for a sweet kiss. "I am making roast beef for dinner since Scott is coming in tonight."

"I actually wanted to talk to you before Scott gets here. I want to tell you what I have planned for Valentine's Day," he wiggled his eyebrows as he flashed a flirtatious smile.

Y/N dropped her arms, shook her head, and took a step back away from Chris. "Yeah, we don't celebrate Valentine's Day anymore. Not after last year."

"Honey, Scott and I apologized repeatedly and I can guarantee you we still feel absolutely horrible about it til this day," he said apologetically.

Y/N shook her head again. "I love my brother-in-law and he is always welcomed to stay with us whenever he's in town. However, since he will be here on the holiday, Valentine's Day is canceled!"

"Honey, come on," he protested.

"Allow me to remind you," she started.

"No, no," Chris interrupted. "I remember it very specifically."

"I was walking down the hallway before some jackass decided to jump in front of me - clearly mistaking me for his brother - and scared the living shit out of me. Causing me to fall down the stairs, resulting in me having to sit on a donut air pillow for my bruised tailbone and my arm in a cast for three months. After that, you're lucky I still love you.."

Chris immediately nods his head in agreement. "I know how lucky I am, because you could have divorced my ass after that, but I'm very grateful you didn't and you still love me." He leaned in and kissed her cheek and squeezed her extra tight in a bear hug.

Although she graciously accepted his hugs and kisses, she still continued on, "So, since your brother will be here again for Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day is officially canceled! I already know you two hooligans will be running round the house scaring the shit outta each other as if y'all didn't learn your lesson." She let out a small groan of frustration remembering how it all happened, nonetheless on their favorite holiday. "In fact, I hate Valentine's Day with a burning passion and nothing you do or say will convince me otherwise."

"What about an all expense paid trip to a spa resort?" He asked, knowing damn well this would make everything better. She crossed her arms, trying her best not to show him any interest. He opened up one of the drawers and pulled out a brochure of the spa resort. He opened it up and pointed out as he spoke, "You'll get a nice couple of massages, facials, body treatments, a manicure, and a pedicure. I even booked you for an aromatherapy session."

Chris saw the spark of excitement in her eyes. He could see she was slowly caving into his gift the more details he shared with her. Then, he said something he knew would seal the deal, "And, the best part is it's dog friendly-"

"Sold! I'm sure Dodger wants a break from you two acting like children too," she grabbed the brochure to get a better look at the pictures.

"You both still love me," he chuckled.

"Unfortunately we do," she teased as she leaned in to kiss him, thanking him for this thoughtful gift, one that would surely keep her away from the Evans boys scaring each other.

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