The Last Trip to Montana (Part 2 • SMUT!)

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WARNING: Emotional and Physical Cheating / SMUT! / Mentions of birth control and unprotected sex

Author's Note: I know some people have some strong opinions and beliefs about some of the warnings listed above. I try to keep my Wattpad safe and drama free. So, please keep those comments to yourself.

Lastly, please remember this is FICTIONAL. Any negative comments towards me portraying Chris as a cheater or negative thoughts about his real life marriage with Alba WILL BE DELETED!

Enjoy the very much requested second part to The Third Weekend of August 😁


One Month Later

Y/N lifted her sunglasses up and rested them on the crown of her head. She pushed up the sun visor as she sang along to ",,, Ready For It?" on the radio. She moved her head along with the beat and drummed her fingers against the steering wheel, enjoying Taylor Swift night playing on the station.

The sun had started to set and she was eager to make it to the house before the sun went down. She had been driving since 6AM this morning. Y/N was on a mission. She didn't stop unless she had to use the restroom and when her stomach growled, begging for food. She stopped at a gas station twice. During one of those stops, she loaded up on some road trip snacks and a couple of energy drinks to get through the entire day of driving.

As she slowed down at a red light, she looked to her left and saw the familiar family owned local outdoor store. She was happy she made it before the sun went down - traveling through unknown roads at night gave her anxiety. "Home stretch," she said to herself with a smile.

"Welcome back to a late night and special edition of On Air with Ryan," Ryan Seacrest's voice spoke through her speakers. "This week only, we decided to try something different and have the show air at night for all our fans who drive at night - for whatever reason. Either it's traveling for work or vacation, or maybe you simply enjoy driving around town at night to clear your mind. I won't judge, but if you're listening right now, you picked one hell of a night because BREAKING NEWS!!!!" Ryan yelled through his microphone as Y/N pushed on the go pedal with her foot when the light turned green. "Chris Evans and Alba Baptista are officially divorce!"

Y/N's head snapped towards the radio, swerving a little out of the lane. She shook her head as she pulled back into the right lane. She swallowed hard as she raised the volume.

"Can you believe that, Sisanie?" Ryan asked. "Just a couple of weeks before their one year anniversary!"

"I know and I'm actually kind of sad about this," Sisanie said. "I mean, I obviously don't know them personally, but I thought they were really cute together."

Y/N rolled her eyes as she turned her blinker on to switch lanes.

"But, I wonder what could have happened?" Sisanie asked Ryan.

"Who knows but maybe they rushed in a bit too quickly." Ryan said. Y/N nodded her head in agreement. "Personally, I felt like one day we found out he has a new girlfriend and then BAM!! They got married the next day. It felt too fast."

"Again, we don't know," Sisanie stated very clearly for their listeners. "But I think you could be on to something, Ryan. Unfortunately, we'll never know, but Chris Evans has been trending all day today and it's obvious the fans are dying to know the truth just as bad as we are."

"It's crazy to believe the theories fans are coming up with. A lot of them are suggesting perhaps there was an affair..."

Y/N's mind flashbacked to the night she last saw Chris.

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