Chocolate Candies and a Rose 

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Author's Note: This is the last of the Valentine's prompts. I have other Chris imagines in the works. Stay tuned!


Chris felt extremely guilty for the accident Dodger had done to Y/N's favorite pair of shoes. Although Dodger was well trained and knew better, Chris could only assume the big guy couldn't hold it in. Sometimes accidents do happen and Y/N knew that too, but she still couldn't help the tears that welled up in her eyes knowing her white shoes couldn't be saved.

After the accident, Chris took Dodger out for a walk to the park. He had no idea there was a pop-up shop event of local small businesses selling their products. Chris and Dodger walked around to check out what each vendor had. After checking out a couple, they came across a candy shop owner.

Chris immediately bought a couple of chocolate candies. The seller put them in a cute small pink baggie. Next to the candy booth was a flower shop. The florist was selling individual flowers of what she grew for her shop. Chris bought a beautiful white rose.

"She's definitely going to love these gifts," Chris told Dodger as they made their way back home.

Y/N was in bed under the covers as she watched a serial killer documentary series on Netflix. After what happened earlier today, she needed a little pick me up and nothing made her feel better than being in her favorite sweats in a large comfortable bed and watching a new murder doc series.

She lowered the volume as she heard the front door open. She heard Chris say something to Dodger, but couldn't make out the muffled sounds. Y/N pressed paused as she heard Dodgers paws running down the hallway and towards the master bedroom.

Dodger nudged the slightly opened door with his head and walked in. He carried a small pink bag in his mouth as he jumped on the bed. He crawled towards Y/N before he curled himself besides her. He dropped the bag on her lap.

"What's this, bubba?" She asked as she opened the pink bag. "Ooooooo," she said as saw a couple of different types of chocolate candies inside the bag.

"We're here to say we're sorry," Chris said as he walked in with a rose in his hand. He handed it to her.

She shook her head. "That better not be a pity rose, Christoper Robert Evans."

Chris let out a low whistle. "My full name. Yikes. You must still be mad at me."

"Damn right I am. You laughed at me-"

"No," he interrupted. "I laughed at Dodger for pooping on your shoes-"

"How in the hell is that funny?" She asked before she continued and not giving Chris a chance to answer her question. "I don't understand why you boys find anything poop related hysterical. Nothing about the situation was funny. Dodger wasn't feeling well and he couldn't help himself. He was sick and he didn't make it in time to the door to be let outside. The only reason you stopped laughing was because you realized I was crying that he had ruined the pair my grandpa last bought for me before he passed away."

Chris let out a defeated sigh as he sat down on the bed next to her and opposite of Dodger. "Baby, I am sorry."

"Well, I don't accept your pity rose. Pity chocolate I'll take, but that's it," she patted Dodger's head before unwrapping the first chocolate candy wrapper.

"What if I found and bought you the exact same pair your grandpa gave you?" Chris asked.

She eyed him closely. "That's impossible. They're a limited edition and haven't been sold in years."

"Well, let's just say I found someone who couldn't say no to my offer." Chris pulled out his phone and showed her the email that said her shoes had been purchased and would be shipped out tomorrow morning.

"You got me the exact same pair?" She whispered as she looked up at Chris with tears in her eyes.

"Of course I did. I know how much those shoes meant to you and I feel absolutely terrible for what happened to them and me laughing without realizing what shoes they were until you mentioned them," he leaned in and cupped her cheek. "I love you and I would do anything and everything for you, especially when I screwed up badly. I don't ever want to lose you."

Y/N leaned into his hand and let out a small sniffle. "I don't ever want you to think you'll lose me when you screw up because you won't. No matter how upset I am or how badly you screw up, I ain't never gonna let you go. I love you too much, Chris." He let out a huge sigh of relief before he leaned in and kissed her passionately.

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