My So Called Best Friend

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Author's Note: I'm a little iffy about the title. Don't be surprised if I end up changing it. I'm open to ideas for a second part IF Y'ALL WANT IT. Try to keep away from the usual ideas we've seen in other CE fan fiction. Happy reading!

Also, I joined TikTok. If anyone wants to follow me, go for it: AmyLillian_22


"Get out," Y/N whispered.

"What?" Her roommate, Aisha, asked in disbelief.

"I said get out!" Y/N yelled angrily. She had never been one to raise her voice, and it was no doubt her neighbors heard her through the thin apartment walls. "Get your shit and get the hell out!"

"No!" Aisha yelled back. "I'm your best friend! We need to talk about this! I didn't think this would bother you."

Y/N was shocked. They had been best friends since moving into college 7 years ago. After graduation, they continued to be roommates as they both decided to stay in the city with their new jobs. But, how could someone she's known and lived with for 7 years didn't know she was in love with her childhood best friend.

"You never made a move. He never did either. It was obvious he wasn't into you. So, why not?! Why can't I date Chris?!" Aisha snapped back.

Y/N stumbled back, Aisha's words cutting her deep. Y/N shook her head and walked to the door. She opened it and gestured Aisha out. "This is my apartment. The lease is under my name. Get the hell out, now!"


Something came over Y/N. She had never been a violent person, but she grabbed Aisha by the arm and dragged her out of the apartment and slammed the door on her face. Y/N leaned her back against the door and slid down until her butt touched the floor. She ignored Aisha's yelling and pounding in the door to let her back in. The world around her began to fade as the pain in her heart washed over her entire body. Her best friend had just admitted moments ago she had been dating the man she's been in love with her entire life. Her anger subsided as tears welled up on her eyes. She let out the tight knot she had in the back of her throat and began to sob. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around herself, crying to herself.

A couple of hours later, Y/N had thrown out Aisha's stuff. Literally. She opened one of the windows and tossed everything out. She couldn't help but smile when it started to rain. She didn't care if she ruined her stuff nor would she care if the landlord came up to her apartment and got after her. She was livid. But, she was more heartbroken. She couldn't be friends with Aisha anymore, let alone roommates.

Y/N turned off everything and was ready to head to bed. Her headache from crying so much was throbbing worse than a hangover. She didn't know if she could sleep tonight, but she would try. She was most certainly ready to get into her sweats and curl up into a ball in her bed.

A fist pounded on Y/N's front door, causing her to jump. She placed her hand on her racing heart as whoever was on the other side of the door scared the hell out of her. She calmed herself and took a deep breath, refusing to ignore who she was sure was Aisha behind the door.

"Y/N! Open up!" Chris yelled.

Her heart dropped to her stomach. She was not expecting him to show up.

"Y/N, I know you're home," Chris sighed heavily. "Please open the door. I want to talk to you."

"I'm good. Don't feel like talking tonight," Y/N finally spoke loud enough for him to hear.

The sound of the lock unlocking caused Y/N to mentally curse at herself. For a split second, she completely forgot she had given him a spare key for emergencies. However, this was far from an emergency.

"How could you kick Aisha out?" Chris asked immediately as he walked into the living room without so much as saying a hi or giving her his usual big bear hug. "And did really throw her things outside, Y/N?"

Y/N saw the anger in his beautiful blue eyes. At the moment, they weren't bright. They were dark and furious. Y/N's eyes welled up with angry tears. "Your new girlfriend is immature to be tattletaling on me to you."

Chris shook his head, unable to grasp the situation. "I don't understand. She's your best friend. I'm your best friend."

"That's exactly the problem." She looked him straight in the eye. She saw the moment it clicked for Chris. Why this bothered her so much. Why she kicked out Aisha and was angry at Chris.

He shook his head and laughed. Actually laughed. Which only made Y/N more mad.

"What the hell is so funny?" Y/N asked.

"You!" He took a step towards her. "You had your chance with me. Multiple times! And you never once took it."

It felt like she had been knocked down. "I've been in love with you for as long as I could remember, Y/N, but you never were interested in me. You dated Dylan all through high school. When you were in college, I finally asked you out. Except you brought Aisha. Then you started dating Gus for a bit. When that was over, I asked you again, and this time you brought a couple of friends with you, turning it into a hangout."

"How was I supposed to know?" Y/N asked. "I didn't know you were asking me out on dates. I thought you were asking just to hangout because we've been best friends all our lives. I didn't know how you felt about me."

"I think that's bullshit." Y/N looked at him in shock, his words felt like they had slapped her. "I know you knew how I felt about you, but I think you were too scared. So, you improvise and pretended to act stupid. Do you know how much that hurt, Y/N? To have the love of your life reject you repeatedly?"

"Do you know how much it hurts to know you're dating Aisha?" She whispered back.

"Dylan and Gus might have been strangers to me, but yes, I know exactly how you're feeling right now," he shook his head and walked back towards the door. He dropped his spare key in the bowl Y/N had by the front door. He turned around to face her. "I got tired of waiting on you, Y/N. It made me unhappy and miserable waiting and getting shot down repeatedly. What was I supposed to do? And now that I have a chance to be happy with someone else, you have a problem with it? It's not fair. It's not fair to me." His shoulders dropped. "Goodbye, Y/N."

The tears slowly fell down Y/N's cheek as the door closed. She had this unbearable pain in her chest that she had never felt before. Her heart had shattered into a million little pieces and the one person that could put it back together just walked out of her life for good. 

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