Waffles (Frank Adler Imagine)

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Author's Note: I've been having a Chris Evans movie night every night this week and I came up with this after watching Gifted. • On a completely different note, how are his other movies:
• London
• Injustice
• Push
• Snowpiercer
• The Red Sea
I haven't seen these yet. I added them to my Amazon Birthday wishlist and none of my friends got any of those for me 🙄😒

Okay, enough rambling from me. Happy reading!


Y/N stretched underneath the bed sheets, the thin fabric tickling her naked body. She turned her head to see Frank knocked out and slightly snoring. He looked so peaceful and vulnerable at the same time, causing her to smile.

She had been dating Frank for a month. Every Saturday night was their date night. During the week, they call each other after Mary went to bed. She knew Mary was number one in his life, and she didn't mind it.

On their third date, Frank opened up and told her everything. From his sister's death to Mary's brutal custody battle against his own mother. She completely understood and respected their relationship. She didn't want to do anything to jeopardize Frank and Mary's bond.

She carefully got out of his bed, being very careful and extra quiet to make sure she wouldn't wake him. She found her panties next to her high heels by the dresser. She slipped them on before grabbing Frank's baseball shirt next to her heels. His shirt was long enough to hide her thong, reaching her mid-thigh. She carefully slipped out of his room and to the bathroom down the hallway.

She quickly peed and washed her hands. She held her hair back as she washed her face. She found a tube of kid's toothpaste in the drawer. She tried to find Frank's toothpaste, but settled for Mary's bubble gum toothpaste. She used her finger and tried her best to brush her teeth. She made a mental note to remember to pack a toothbrush in her purse for next weekend. Or at least bring some mouthwash.

She heard a door open when she finished, assuming it was Frank. She smiled as she opened the bathroom door, only to see Mary looking for something on the desk. Y/N gasped loud, causing Mary to turn around and look at her. Y/N was definitely surprised as Mary wasn't supposed to be back from Roberta until noon.

"Mary!" Y/N pulled the hem of Frank's baseball shirt lower, trying to cover more of her bare legs. "Umm, hi. I'm a friend of your Uncle Frank. He's said so many wonderful and sweet things about you. I wish we wouldn't be meeting this way," she chuckled nervously, not knowing what was running through the cute 10-year-old in front of her.

Although Mary had never as so much as seen a picture of her, she knew exactly who Y/N was. Frank had mentioned he was seeing the most beautiful girl in the world - after her, of course. She had long, (you hair color) hair, and beautiful (your eye color) eyes. Her lips were covered with a faded shade of red, her favorite lipstick color according to Frank.

"You must be Y/N. Frank also said a lot about you too," Mary said.

"Really?" Y/N asked surprised. Although she had been on a couple of dates with Frank, she knew she wasn't gonna meet Mary anytime soon. Not until things got more serious.

"Yup," she popped the 'p' with her lips. "He really likes you. A lot."

The words made Y/N smile wide. "I like Frank a lot, too. Hey, how about I make you a special breakfast?"

Mary hesitated for a second, remembering Frank's version of a special breakfast was, Special K cereal.

"What exactly does that include?" She asked.

"I can make you some blueberry waffles-" when she saw Mary make a sour face, she immediately said, "or I can do chocolate chip instead."

Mary smiled with excitement as Frank had never made chocolate chip waffles for her before. She only ordered them when they occasionally went to iHop.

"You can help me make them if you like," Y/N added, her smile matching Mary's.

Marry nodded. "But first, Frank has gym shorts in the third drawer in his dresser."

"Right," Y/N giggled nervously before quietly going back to Frank's room to get the said shorts. She was thankful for the tip as Y/N only had her strapless dress from last night, which isn't exactly appropriate for making breakfast with Mary.

Y/N let Mary add the milk and eggs in the bowl as she added the melted butter and vanilla extract. Mary was excellent with the measuring cups as Y/N watched her add the flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder into the bowl. Y/N placed her hand on top of Mary's before she turned on the mixer. Y/N let Mary take the lead and held on to her hand just in case she lost control of the mixer.

Frank began to stir in his bed, slowly fluttering his eyes. The smell of waffle mix met his nose, his lips immediately forming a smile. He leaned up on his elbows when he heard two sets of giggles from the kitchen. "Oh, shit," he mumbled to himself as he quickly got out of bed.

He put on his jeans from last night, nearly tripping while trying to find his baseball shirt. He had no idea where Y/N could have tossed it last night, but he knew it was somewhere in the room. Forgetting about his shirt, he opened his bedroom door and stopped in his tracks at the sight before him.

Both Y/N and Mary were laughing hysterically because the bowl had slipped and the batter went splattering everywhere thanks to the mixer. Their clothes looked like they had been splattered by paint. Mary wiped her face, causing a bigger mess than before. Y/N grabbed some paper towels and carefully cleaned her up.

"Frank!" Mary giggled, "you won't guess what happened!"

Y/N turned around to see Frank happy, causing her smile to match his. "Sorry about the mess. We were trying to make waffles. Then, chaos ensued."

"That's quite alright. But," Frank walked towards them and kneeled down in front of Mary, "you know the rules about coming over Sunday mornings when you're supposed to be at Roberta's."

"I know," Mary''s smile immediately disappeared and her lips formed a small pout. "I wanted to watch my favorite movie. So, I came over to get it to watch it with Roberta."

"What did we say about using Roberta's keys?" Frank asked.

Y/N felt slightly uncomfortable, mostly because although Mary was getting in trouble, she also knew she crossed a line and broke a rule herself. She wasn't supposed to meet Mary yet. Maybe if she had helped her find what she was looking for and help her get back to Roberta, she wouldn't be getting scolded right now.

Y/N cleared her throat, causing both of them to face her. "I'm sorry about everything, Frank. I should go."

"Wait," Mary called out as Y/N turned on her heel. "Frank, can she please stay with us and have breakfast?"

"I shouldn't stay," Y/N immediately protested. "I shouldn't be here anyways."

"Y/N, Mary and I would love it if you would stay for breakfast," Frank gave her a small smile.

"Really?" Both Y/N and Mary said at the same time, except Mary jumped up and down with excitement.

"I'd really like that," Y/N smiled.

She started cleaning up the mess, ready to try and make waffles again. Before Frank could help her, Mary tugged his hand. She tugged on it again, signaling him to kneel down. She leaned in a little close to him and somewhat lowered her voice, "I like your new girlfriend."

Frank smiled at her, "I like her too. I think I'll keep her."

They weren't quite enough as Y/N heard their conversation. She knew how important his relationship with Mary was. Knowing Mary liked her and Frank didn't correct Mary by saying, 'she's just a friend', she was glad her hair shielded her face to hide her wide smile.

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