Was It The Eggnog Talking?

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Day 10 of Fic-mas: Spiked eggnog leads to confessing your feelings

Chris' hips began to sway with the beat as he got a refill, filling his cup with eggnog to the brim. He was quietly singing along to the Christmas song under his breath, hoping no one would hear him singing. He's been told he's a good singer, but he has always been shy about singing in front of others.

Chris felt good. He was buzzing as the alcohol from the eggnog was slowly having an effect on him. He knew if he kept this pace, he would have a good time throughout the party. It was his Christmas party after all. Although he loved being the life of the party with his closest friends and family, he knew better than to get drunk while hosting a party. He didn't want to bust out Cap's shield and start having drunken war games throughout the house with the guys.

He turned around and spotted Y/N, who has a water bottle in her hand. He shook his head and made his way towards her. She was about to say hi, when he took her water bottle and replaced it with his eggnog.

"I'm not allowing you to be sober at all during this party, okay?" He said. "I want you to have fun! You know, let loose!" He started moving his feet side to side, and moved his shoulders.

"That's not exactly how I would dance to this party," she giggled.

"Who cares!" He put the water bottle and grabbed her hand, twirling her around. "It's a party!"

She made a "ahhh!" sound as she tried her best not to spill any of the eggnog. She didn't want to commit a party foul so early into the night. She knew Chris would give her so much shit for it, especially for wasting perfectly good alcohol.

"But, seriously," he pulled her in and whispered against her ear, "have a good time." His warm breath sent a shiver down her spine. "I'll come back to check on you in a bit," he said as he began mingling with other friends.


Chris stumbled away from the dining table that had been used for beer bong matches. Except, they substituted beer for eggnog. Scott had asked Chris to play with him, nearly beating everyone. However, 2 hours of playing eggnog pong and although he was winning, he was way past buzzed.

He was starting to mumble his words together, his Boston accent thicker than normal. And, not only was he stumbling a bit, he was starting to see doubles. Like seeing two Y/Ns sitting by herself on the couch. He stumbled his way to her and plopped himself in the empty space next to her.

"Wow," Y/N chuckled and shook her head. "Is someone ready to bust out the shield yet?"

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," he slightly slurred.

"I-" he pointed at himself - "love" - he put his hands together to form a heart - "you-" he pointed at her - "the most!"

"Awww," she smiled. "Do you know who I love the most? You!"

"Nooooooo," he whined. "You don't get it. I'm in luuuuuuv witchu. Ugh, never mind," he said before he leaned forward and placed his head on her lap, instantly knocking out. Y/N lifted her hands up and looked around. She looked at Robert with a look almost asking him what she should do with him.

"Don't be surprised. He's been in love with you for years," Robert said before taking a sip of his drink and continuing his conversation with Paul.


Chris groaned as he felt his head throbbing. He slowly turned around to lay on his back. He looked up at the ceiling and realized he was in his bedroom. Dodger barked as he saw his owner finally awake. Chris' hand immediately flew to his forehead, "shhhh, bubba, daddy is hurting this morning."

"Glad to see you're finally awake." The sound of Y/N's voice caused Chris to jump. He saw Y/N leaning against his open bedroom door frame. "Here, you'll want to take these," she handed him a couple of pills and a glass of water.

"Thanks," Chris took the pills and chugged the entire glass. He swiped his lips with the back of his hand. "How bad was it?" He asked her.

"Well, you passed out around midnight. I had Scott and Hemsworth help carry you to the bedroom and we all continued to party without you. And, yes, at some point the shield came out."

"Ugh, y'all took the shield out without me?" He groaned.

"The funniest part was you telling me you loved me the most," she smiled at him.

Everything came back to him. He remembered being on the couch and telling her she doesn't get it when he said he loved her the most.

"Did you really mean it?" She asked. Although Robert told her the truth, she needed to hear it from Chris himself. "Do you really love me?"

Chris bit his lip, unsure if he should be honest or lie to her by saying it was the alcohol talking. He sighed, unsure what to do. "Depends. How do you feel about me?"

"I asked you first."

"Yeah, Y/N, I do. I'm in love with you. You're beautiful, sweet, yet you're not afraid to be bluntly honest about everything. You're smart. Your cooking is amazing! I mean what's not to love-"

She interrupted him by meshing her lips against his. Without skipping a beat, Chris immediately kissed her back. He leaned up as he cupped her cheek to deepen the cheek.

"It's about damn time, Evans," she whispered against his lips. "Had I know the eggnog would have gotten you to admit your feelings, I would have gotten you drunk a long time ago."

Chris' head rolled back as he grabbed his boob and laughed hard.

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