New Hair Style (Smut)

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Author's Note: Although I know the cast of The Avengers, I'm no expert when it comes to their personality.

Warning: SMUT! Not sorry at all, haha. Enjoy!
BTW - a little side question for all my smut readers - what are some good eroica novels y'all have read? I need some new suggestions. Think of it as inspiration and research purposes for my writing. After all, this smut scene was inspired from "Flatline" by Kristine Dugger. I recommend that for anyone who likes/enjoys Grey's Anatomy.

Lastly, A LOT of y'all asked for a part two for All To Well and I finally got an idea and some inspiration from one of Swift's songs. Get ready y'all! It's coming soon!


Chris hummed to himself with a smile on his face. He danced his way to the dining room. He was excited to see his Avengers castmates. Everyone was scattered throughout the country and it was a miracle everyone actually had time to Zoom.

Chris placed his laptop on top of the dining table before he plugged in its charger on the wall in case he would need it. Talking to anyone from the Avengers was never short. Chris rather be prepared than having his laptop shut off in the middle of a Zoom call like the last time. And, boy did the guys give him so much shit for it.

"Come on, come on, come on," Chris repeated impatiently as he turned on the laptop. He drummed his fingers against the table for a few seconds before his laptop was ready to go. He clicked on the Zoom link RDJ had set up - or should we say RDJ's assistant - and Chris was immediately sent to the waiting room. He looked at the time and realized he was still 10 minutes early.

"Bubba!" He yelled. "Let's go outside!"

Chris walks to the door in the kitchen that leads to the backyard. He could hear Dodger's paws against the hardwood floors. He opened the door and Dodger nearly pushed Chris out of the way. "Jesus, Bubba! Don't try and kill me in the process."

Dodger ignored him and ran around the yard. He came to a dead halt when he saw a squirrel. He lunged at it and tried to climb up the tree to catch it. Chris laughed as Dodger looked up at the tree and barked for his new furry friend to come down and play. Chris glanced at his watch and saw he still had 5 more minutes.

"Alright, bubba, go do your business. We gotta go inside," Chris called out.

As told, Dodger did his business and jogged towards Chris. Chris mumbled 'good boy' as he stretched behind Dodger's ears. This time, Chris let Dodger go in. He closed the door, grabbed a big bone for Dodger that would keep him occupied for at least a couple of hours.

"Do you think he ghosted us?"

Chris heard Mackie's voice and rushed back to the dining room.

"Or maybe he fell down the toilet," Seb said, earning a laugh from everyone.

"The British call it The Loo," Tom Holland said with a huge smile, as if he was proud of knowing that fact and sharing it with his castmates.

"I'm right here!" Chris said. "I had to take Dodger out so I wouldn't have to do it in the middle of our Zoom call."

Chris' smile grew wide as he saw Mackie, Seb, Tom, RDJ, Hemsworth, Jeremy, and Mark. "Where's Scar?" He asked as he saw her box was blacked out, only showing her initials.

"I'm here! I have the camera off because I'm feeding the baby," Scarlett explained, revealing she had her microphone on for the Zoom.

"Aww, how's the new baby?" Chris asked.

"Adorable and healthy. When I'm done, I'll introduce you guys to the newest little avenger."

Then, the questions started rolling in, one after another.

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