For Selfish Reasons

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Author's Note: finally got around to writing something new for y'all. I hope y'all like it!


"I can not believe you!" Y/N shouts while walking towards the kitchen. Chris trailing right behind her.

"Baby-" Chris groans in frustration as Y/N interrupts him.

"I wish I had known you changed your mind before we got married!"

Chris flinches at her choice of words. "You don't mean that, do you?"

"I don't know what to think anymore, Christoper!"

His heart drops to his stomach. Not because he was obviously in trouble - but because of the look in her eyes. Her beautiful sparkling eyes were dark. He notices they're filled with anger and hurt.

"I want to explain why I've changed my mind."

Y/N sighs. "I didn't realize things had changed for you, Chris." Her voice was soft but lace with hurt.

"Only because things have changed between us," he admits.

She stumbles back, her butt hitting the edge of the kitchen island, holding her steady at the same time. Her hand tightens around the edge of the counter top. "Things haven't changed for me. I still want kids. I thought you did too."

"I do, but not right now," he sighs as he runs his hand into his dark, fluffy hair.

"Since I first met you, all you talked about was wanting kids, especially since you're getting older. What the fuck happened, Chris? What changed?!"

"You! You changed it for me!"

Her eyes instantly fill up with hot tears. What exactly about her caused Chris to change his mind about wanting to be a father? Did he believe she isn't fit to be a mother? Is it something about her that made him realize he doesn't want her to be the mother of his children?

Her heart was breaking. Chris wanted a big family. She loves him enough to give him what he desires most in life.

"Honey..." Chris's voice is soft.

Y/N shakes her head. She steps away from him. She grabs her car keys and her purse.

"Where are you going?!" Chris follows her to the garage.

"Away from you."

"We're not done talking!"

She ignores him and gets in her car. She closes the door and before she could lock the doors, Chris climbs into the passenger seat. He glares at her.

She continues to ignore him as if he isn't there. But because she still loves him, she utters, "seatbelt."

"No. Not until we finish this conversation."

She turns to face him, her eyes narrowing at her. "Buckle up because not only do I give a shit about you but because I love your mom - probably more than I love you at the moment - and I don't want to be the one to tell her her son was stupid to not buckle up out of spite."

Chris's nose flared as he exhaled deeply. He turns to face the front as he puts on his seatbelt.

They drove in silence for about 15 minutes before Chris asks, "where are we going?"

"I have a doctor's appointment."

Chris's heart drops to his stomach again as fear washes over his body. He wonders if it's something serious or a regular check up. From the corner of his eye, he does a quick scan, trying to see if anything about her looks out of the ordinary. Nothing about her looks sick.

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