(Malta x Canada x Reader)

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Malta is my OC...

Set in the Gakuen AU


New school. Great. Why did I decide to transfer in the middle of the year? I took a deep breath as I walked into my new school: W Academy. IT was an honour to be accepted as the only way to get in is via a scholarship or being the personification of a country. I myself was a personification: (C/n). I was excited and nervous as I was unaware whether I'd make any friends or not as well as whether I'd be accepted. I wasn't the biggest of countries and I was scared that people would look down on me due to my size. When I walked inside, I quickly found someone and asked them where the headteacher's office was.

"Third door on your left, Chérie."

I thanked him and followed his instructions towards the head's office and knocked.

"Come in." I heard from inside. I opened the door and entered to see a tall blonde male sitting down at the desk, a bit of his hair platted down one side. I snapped out my daze, "Hello, I'm new here and I'm not sure where to go."

"So jou must be (C/n). Velcome. Here's is jour timetable," he spoke, handing me a piece of paper. I smiled and took it from him, "Thank you, Sir." He nodded to me and turned to the intercom thing (If this isn't the thing please tell me.), "Can Matthew Villiams please report to ze headmaster's office."

He turned back to my confused face, "I've brought somevon to help jou out for jour first veek here. So zat jou know vere all jou classes are. Matthew is in ze zame class as jou so it'll be eazy for him to show jou around." I nodded and a few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal a blonde boy with violet coloured eyes and a curl coming out his head, So cute.

"Matthew, zis is (Y/n). Jou are to show her around ze school and show her vere her classes are, understand?"

The boy, who I guessed was Matthew nodded, "Okay," he then turned to me, "Nice to meet you, (Y/n). I'm Matthew."

"It's nice to meet you too, Matthew."

"Let me show you around."

I nodded and we walked out of the head's office. Matthew turned to me, "So, (Y/n), what's your first subject?"

I told him what my first subject was and I found out that he was in the same classes as me, literally, all on them.


Over the next few weeks, we became closer, leading to me developing a crush on him. However, every time I tried to tell him, we were always interrupted by another girl. I soon learned her name was Scarlett and that she was in our year but in a different class to me and Matthew. However, something happened every time that made my blood boil. Every time she interrupted us, the first two this she did were greeting Matthew in the form of, "Hey Mattie." and then she pecked him on the cheek. This made his face turned red every time she did it. I thought it was just part of her culture from the country she represented, Malta, but what I didn't know was that the two of then had actually been dating. I first noticed this when I saw the two of them making out in an empty classroom during lunchtime.

Soon, I decided to ask Matthew about it, "Matthew, is there something going on with you and Scarlett?"

He looked up from his lunch at me, "Oh, yeah," he replied his face going red, "She's my girlfriend."

"O-Oh," I responded, looking back down at my food and starting to play with it.

"You okay, (Y/N)?"

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