Become One, Da? (Russia x Easily Flustered! Reader)

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This randomly came to me... I'm also writing this because I still haven't written a oneshot for Russia... Do you guys know how many England oneshots I've written?! 17! Seventeen oneshots out of 37...


"Become one with Mother Russia, da?"

Okay, some context. We were all at one of Alfred's parties and he had the amazing idea to play 'Dirty Truth or Dare?'. Reluctantly we all agreed and we formed a circle on the floor of Alfred's living room.

"I go first! Ivan, Truth or dare?"

"Dare. And it better be to liking or else you will be hit with pipe, da?"

"Y-Yeah, dude. I dare you to... ask your crush to quote on quote 'Become one'."

"Very well, (Y/n), become one with Mother Russia, da?"

My face lit up bright red when he asked me, most people were scared of him but, not me! I had a massive crush on him. I stood up and walked across the circle to where Ivan was sitting and whispered in his ear, "Come to my house tomorrow and I'll give you my answer." before walking back to my seat between Arthur and Francis (It was the only way they couldn't argue with each other).

-------------------------THE NEXT DAY

I was sitting in my living room when I heard a knock on my door. I stood up and walked to the door. Opening it, I realised it was Ivan, "Become one with Mother Russia, da?"

I giggled before replying, "Da," and grabbing his coat (I didn't want to touch his scarf and get him angry) before kissing him.


I woke up to an amazing smell coming from the kitchen. I walked downstairs after getting dressed to see Ivan in the kitchen over the stove.

"What are you making?"


"What's that?"

"You'll find out soon, Sunflower. Sit."

I sat down at the table I had in my kitchen and waited. A few minutes later, I had a plate of what looked like pancakes in front of me, "Blini."

I didn't question it but just started eating, "These are good!"

"Glad you like them, Sunflow-" he was cut off when I stood up suddenly and dashed to the toilet. I threw up and soon felt someone holding my hair back, "You okay, Sunflower?"

After ten minutes I felt better and we just snuggled on my sofa for a while and eventually fell asleep.


The next day, I threw up again. I started to get a suspicion of something. I got the test out of my bathroom cabinet (I always had one in there, just in case) and took it. I waited for a while until I looked at the test, 'Positive'. I smiled at this and placed a hand on my stomach.

I walked downstairs to Ivan, who was still asleep on the sofa, and shook him awake, "Da, Sunflower?" I didn't say anything but just handed him the test. He looked at it before looking back to me, "Child?"

I giggled and placed a hand on my stomach again, "Da." He smiled and stood up before walking towards me and placing a hand on my stomach, "My Sunflower."

"Yes, Ivan. I'm yours. Both of us are," I replied taking his cheek in my hand, "I love you."

"я тоже тебя люблю, Sunflower."


я тоже тебя люблю - I love you too

Blini: In size, blini are more substantial than a French crepe, but thinner and wider than an American pancake. Russians also eat oladyi, which is another kind of pancake, which is like a smaller version of an American pancake.

Both blini and oladyi are served with butter, sour cream, jam, or even caviar. These are not an every day food in Russian homes, because they require a lot of time and attention to make.

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