You Sick, Lovable Idiot (England x Sick! Reader)

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Requested By: BillCipher99

Also, this one includes my OC... Malta!


"I'm fine. I assure you, *Achoo* Arthur. You don't need to worry about me."

"Love, you're sneezing. Therefore you're sick. I'm not leaving your house until you're better."

"Fine. If you're going to be like that. Artie, can you please get me some chocolate?"

He sighed, "Love, I told you, I'm not-"

"There's some in the cupboard, Artie. You don't need to leave the house. Also, please don't try to make me soup. I don't want my house burnt down."

"I wasn't even going to try, Love. The last time I made soup, i-it didn't turn out too good."

I giggled, "Okay, Artie. Now get me the chocolate, please?"

He sighed before walking back downstairs. I smiled and snuggled back into bed. Oh Artie, if only I had the courage to tell you. I'd grown a crush on him but I still didn't have the courage to tell him this fact. I knew there was no way he'd feel the same. There was also another reason: Scarlett. Arthur's daughter. She didn't seem to like me much snd I knew that Arthur would always put her first so if Scarlett didn't approve, then Arthur would never date or anything like that with someone.

"Love, here's your chocolate."

I smiled up at Arthur from my bed and took the chocolate, "Thank you," before starting to eat it.

"You're welcome, Love. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"I would say cuddles but I don't want to get you sick too."

"Love, I don't care if I get sick, as long as you recover," he replied before climbing on my bed. I smiled and snuggled into him, muttering to myself, quiet enough that I thought he didn't hear me, "I love you, Arthur."


I woke up to being kissed on the forehead, "How are you feeling, Love?"

"Better. Thank you for looking after me, Arthur."

"What are friends for?" I smiled sarcastically, "Yeah, I suppose so." Friends. That's all we'll ever be. Nothing more. I sighed to myself.

"Love, what's up?"

I took a deep breath, "I love you, Godamnit!" I immediately slapped a hand over my mouth, "T-That came out wrong."

"Love, you don't need to be embarrassed. I love you too," he responded before leaning in and kissing me, something I happily returned. When we broke off, I spoke up, "But what about Scarlett? She absolutely hates me. She'd never be okay with this."

"That's where you're wrong, (Y/n). I am okay with it. As long as Father's happy, I am."


She nodded, "I can tell that Father loves you and I know you love him so, I'm okay with this. Also, because it would be nice to have a mother figure in my life again."

"Thank you, Scarlett. I would be honoured to be a mother figure to you."

She smiled and ran up to the bed, jumping on and snuggling between up, "Family time."


Sorry if you don't like it, requester, I didn't get a proper plot for this one so, I just rolled with what my brain thought of.

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