Best Friends, Maybe More (Ukraine x Fem! Reader)

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Requester: SepiaEve (I'm finally getting to it!)


Come on, (Y/n)! You can do this. No big deal. Just confess your crush to... your... best... friend... Nothing to worry about! I was brought from my thoughts by, "You doing good, Dudette?"

"Yep! Totally fine, Alfie. I'm totally not stressing out about this!"

"Dudette, listen. You've been friends for ages! No matter what happens, you'll be fine."

"Thanks, Alfred. I'm glad I have a friend like you," I replied hugging him before walking out the door and to the park where I'd agreed to meet with Katyusha. I sat down on the bench and waited for her.


She soon turned up, "Hey, (Y/n)!"

"Hey, Katyusha," I replied looking down at my feet. I was really nervous.

"Shall we get going?" I nodded and we started walking around the park. Throughout our walk, I remembered some of the memories from when we were younger...


"Come on, (Y/n)!"

"I'm coming! What's so important anyway?"

"Just hurry up!" I dashed up the hill to meet her and immediately flopped onto the ground, "I am so unfit!"

"(Y/n)! Stop moping and look!"

I looked up to see what she was talking and saw the most beautiful sunset in the world, "Wow."


Throughout the walk, I was constantly fiddling with my hands and I was quiet. I was hoping that Katyusha hadn't noticed, unfortunately, "(Y/n), are you okay? You're really quiet which is out of character for you."

"I know, it's just that I have a lot going through my mind at the moment," I responded, trying to get her off of my trail.

"(Y/n) something's bothering you isn't it?"

"NoPe! Nothing's bothering me!"

She gave me a look and I sighed, "Okay fine, something is bothering me. Kat, I have something important to tell you."

"What is it, (Y/n)?"

"Ihaveacrushonyouwell,notreally'crush'Iactuallyloveyou,butIknowyoudon'tfeelthesameandIjustwantedtogetitoffmychest!" I spoke quickly hoping she wouldn't understand me. However, before I could dash off, she grabbed my arm, "(Y/n). I love you too."

"Y-You do!"

She nodded and my smile increased. I pounced on her, knocking her to the ground, "I love you!" before kissing her. I soon felt her arms around my waist. We had to break off for this pesky thing called Oxygen though and when we did, I rolled off her and we just lay on the grass on the hill in the park, enjoying the time we had. God bless, Alfred. I wouldn't have had the courage to confess without him, thank you!

And so, I spent the rest of the day cloud gazing with my girlfriend.

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