(Pirate! Spain x Pirate! England's Sister! Reader)

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So, I thought of this a while ago and I now have 'time' to write it. I say it in inverted commas, cause I have school work to do...


"Come on, (Y/n). We're going to get that Spaniard today, I can tell."

"Remind me again, why I have to be here with you and why I have to come with you on this stupid ship, Arthur," I replied, fixing up the buttons on the pirate coat that I was wearing.

"Because, (Y/n), I feel better if you're here with me. I don't want to lose you, (Y/n). You're my sister and you mean the world to me."

Overprotective much?



A few days later, Arthur'' prediction came true. However, what I wasn't expecting was for him to look so hot. Oh God, I'm in love. However, before I could say anything, Arthur stopped me, "(Y/n), hide! Now!"

I knew better than to argue with him, knowing it would end up with his losing his temper with me, so I walked back to my cabin and sat on the bed. However, that didn't last too long, as I soon heard the shouting. Me, being the curious girl I was, left my cabin and walked back to the deck, my sword out, just in case. I soon got to the deck, to see Arthur had the guy, who's name I learned to be Antonio, pinned against the mast of the ship, his sword slightly pressed against the Spaniard's neck, just hard enough to signal power, but not hard enough for it to dig into his skin to the point of drawing blood. I acted on my instinct and by the time I'd realised what I'd done, I'd already run up to the two and pushed Arthur off of Antonio, hence knocking my elder brother onto the deck of the ship. I turned back to Antonio to see him gasping for air and sitting, his back now up against the mast. I walked back to him and helped him stand up, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am, thank you, chica, but why? Why did you help me?"

"Because I..." I was stuck at what to say, "Because it was the right thing to do. I apologise for my brother's actions."

"It's okay, chica. I'm used to it."

However, while I was busy helping Antonio, Arthur had recovered and was walking back, with the aim of pulling me away from the Spaniard. Unfortunately for him, I was faster and pinned him to the mast of the ship with the dagger I had, "You know, it's rude to sneak up on someone like that, Arthur."


For the next couple of months, the same scenario happened. However, it didn't take long for Arthur to catch on. He started to stop trusting me not to intervene with his fights with Antonio and eventually, the next time that we came across the Spaniard, he locked me in my cabin, to prevent me from intervening. Unfortunately for him, I was a resilient girl. Instead of being 'good' as Arthur had described it, I started to bang against the door with my shoulder, trying to bust the door open and I eventually did.

However, by the time I had, I was too late to prevent the incident I had been scared of happening all the other times. I got out to the deck to see Antonio lying on the deck of the ship, bleeding out of his side and Arthur standing over him, a triumphant look on his face, "Give up yet, Captain Carriedo?"

I, once again, acted on instinct and ran up, pushing Arthur off of Antonio. I then removed my coat and pressed it against Antonio's wound, trying to stop the bleeding. Thankfully my coat was red, meaning that any blood that got on it, wouldn't be as noticeable as if it was a different colour. This whole time, I had tears falling down my cheeks and onto Antonio's clothes. I'd been doing this for about a minute when I felt a hand on my cheek and wiping the tears away, "Chica, why are you crying?"

"I-I don't want you to die. I don't want to lose you!"

"What are you talking about, Chica?"

"Bloody Hell, I love you! That's why I don't want to lose you!" My eyes widened once I had realised what I had said and I noticed that Antonio's and Arthur's had too. I slapped a hand over my mouth, "I-I mean... That came out wrong!" I started to tear up more, knowing that Arthur would probably kill me for saying that. Antonio then turned to Arthur, a pleading look on his face. This was returned with an eye roll from my brother and, "Fine, but make it quick."

Antonio's smile returned to his face and he turned back to me, "Chica, I'm going to do this now because I might never get the chance to again." I was confused about what he meant until I felt him pulling me down on top of him. Before I could ask why he'd pulled me on top of him, he had kissed me. My eyes widened again before I melted into it and kissed him back, gently. I then remembered the wound and I pulled away and went back to stopping the bleeding. Thankfully, I managed to stop it and I bandaged him up with my emergency first aid kit I had on the ship.

"So, Kirkland, would you mind if I were to-"

"Whatever, (Y/n) loves you so I'm fine with it," came Arthur's reply before Antonio could even finish the sentence. I smiled at this and ran up to him, after making sure Antonio was okay, and hugged my brother, "Thank you, Arthur!"

"Just don't hurt her."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Captain."

I then spoke up again, "So does this mean you'll make a truce?"

"Of course, (Y/n). For your happiness, I'll stop fighting with him all the time."

"And I too, Chica."

"Yay," I whispered, "I love you both. I different ways though. Arthur, I love you as a brother and Antonio, I love you romantically and I just want to..." I paused and kissed him, "Do that."


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