The 20th Day of HetaChristmas - Italy Veneziano

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So, I did get an idea from someone for Veneziano, but on the way back from Rejects (It's a shop) with my mum, I thought of another one, so thank you to the person who thought of the other idea, I will write it after the '25 Days of HetaChristmas' event (For my oneshot book) is over.


"Bella, I'm-a really sorry, but I-a broke it. It-a was an accident and I-a didn't mean to!" Feliciano squeaked, tears threatening to fall from his eyes and sniveling.

"Feli, come here," I replied. He approached me slowly, "I'm-a sorry, Bella. I-a didn't mean to!"

Instead of scolding him, like he guessed I was going to do, I hugged him, "Feli, you have nothing to be sorry for. Accidents happen and I know that it was an accident so you don't need to apologise or take the blame. Owning up was the right thing to do though, if you'd tried to hide it, or not tell me at all that you broke my favourite mug, then I would have been angry at you, but because you've been honest and you owned up to your mistake, I'm not. I apprediate you telling me, Feli. You have nothing to worry about though. I have plenty of other mugs."

"Really, Bella?" he asked breaking off from the hug and wiping his eyes, looking up at me as I was taller than him by 2cm. (I'm not converting it! If you want to know that in inches, look it up yourself, or convert to the metric system!)

"Yes, Feli. It's all okay. Stop you're crying, okay? It's completely fine, you have noting to be upset about."

He nodded and wiped his tears again, "Thank you, Bella, but big brother Lovino told me that you would be angry at him because when he broke something of Big Brother Spain's, he was really mad a Lovino."

"Well, that's just how Antonio is, Feli. When he was looking after your big brother, Lovino refused to do any cleaning or chores around Toni's house and he got mad at your brother."


"Ciao, Bella! How are you-a today?"

I chuckled before replying, "I'm great, Feli. How are you?" to the bubbily Italian over the phone.

"That's-a good, Bella! I'm-a great too! I-a was just rining to ask if I-a could come over?"

"Sure, you can help me decorate my Christmas tree if you want."

"Grazie, Bella!"

"I'll see you in a few minutes, Feli."


A few minutes later, right on time, there was a knock at my door. I stood up from my position on the sofa and walked to the door, opening it to reveal the same bubbily Italian that I's grown to love, "Hey, Feli."

"Ciao, Bella!"

"Come in, Feli and we can get started."

"Okay Bella!" he replied and I let him inside, "Come on, the decorations are in my attic." Feli froze at this, "Bella, can you-a get them yourself? I'm-a scared of the dark."

"Feli, there is a light up there, you know."

"Oh! Okay, in-a that case, I'll-a come and help you-a get them down, Bella!"

This was a normal occurance, me and Feliciano had been friends for ages and ever since we first me, he's called me 'Bella' I'm not sure why, considering that that isn't my name, my name is (Y/n), but if Feli wants to call me that, he can. (You don't know that it means 'beautiful' in Italian btw)

I smiled and the two of us made our way up to my attic, where we soon found the Christmas decorations. Some went on the tree, others, such as the wreath, went in different places of my house. We brought them all downstairs and into my living room. Feli put the box down and I put down the wreath and lights, "Let's get started!"

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