Wedding Jitters (Italy Veneziano x Reader)

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I thought of this idea while watching an episode of 'Ghosts'. If you haven't seen it, it's a BBC show with the cast of Horrible Histories. They also write the shows and it's hilarious! I am also adding my OC into this oneshot (Because I can). Also, in my story 'Malta's Story', Malta's love interest is Canada, I'm sorry to any PruCan shippers or any other Canada shippers...


I was pacing back and forth in my room, Do I really want to do this? I kept pacing. I was in my room, in my wedding dress, deciding whether I really wanted to marry Feli. I loved him but I still didn't know whether I was making the right decision. I kept pacing until I heard a knock on my door, "(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, Scarlett."

"Are you sure? I can hear you're pacing. Can I come in?"


The door opened and Scarlett entered, "You okay, (Y/n)?"

"To tell the truth, no. I'm not."

"What's troubling you? You know you can talk to me about it." She closed the door and sat on my bed, patting the spot next to her, "If it's something about the wedding I can help. I've been through this myself."

"I know you have Scarlett. That's why I'm glad you're here. How do I know I'm making the right decision?"

"Do you love him?"

"Yes, of course, I do."

"Listen, (Y/n). The day I married Mattie was the best day of my life. The minute I met him, I knew I loved him. Yes, I was nervous the few hours before but the minute I saw him at the end of the aisle, all the nerves faded into feelings of love and I knew that I was making the right decision."

"Really? Thanks, Scarlett."

"You're welcome, Love," she replied petting my head, "Now you finish getting ready, we don't want Feliciano getting nervous now we do we? It'll take ages to calm him down," with that, she left my room and I finished getting ready, knowing that I was indeed making the right decision.

MALTA' POV (A few hours before)

Why do you do this to me, (Y/n)? I understand you're my friend, but putting me in charge of everything?! That's too much pressure! I was frantically running around (Y/n)'s house, getting everything ready for her wedding with Feliciano. I was getting increasingly stressed with having everything put on me.


"Jesus!" I shouted, jumping. I calmed down when I realised it was Mattie, "Mattie, I am so sorry! I didn't know you were there a-and I'm just stressed. Why did (Y/n) put me in charge of everything?!"

"Maple, relax. (Y/n) isn't going to be mad if something goes wrong."

"I know, I just want this to go perfectly for her," I replied pecking his cheek, "Love you."

"I love you too, Maple, but we should really get this-"

"Dudette! We're a bride down! She won't come out of her room!"

"What the bloody hell is going on today? I swear to God if one more thing happens I am going to kill someone!" I shoved the clipboard I was holding into Alfred's arms and dashed off to (Y/n)'s room. I knocked on the door...

------------------BACK TO YOUR POV (PRESENT TIME)

I left my room and walked downstairs to see Scarlett and my father along with both Emma and Elizabeta. I smiled at Scarlett who gave me a thumbs up in return, "You good to go?" I nodded to her, "Yep. I'm good to go. Thanks by the way."

"No problem!"

Overall, the ceremony went well. During the reception, I approached Scarlett, who was talking to Matthew. I stood a few meters away, far enough so they wouldn't notice but close enough so that I could here their conversation.

"Mattie, when are we going to tell them? They deserve to know!"

"Maple, at least wait until tomorrow. This is supposed to be (Y/n)'s day."

"I know it is, Mattie, but my father specifically told me to tell him the minute we found out if I ever got pregnant, Mattie. We've kept it a secret for too long, I need to tell them!"

"I know you want to, Maple but, please? Tomorrow?"

"Okay, Mattie. I'd do anything for you, you know."

It was then that I formed a plan in my head. If Scarlett wants everyone to know, then she will. I return to Feli and pecked his cheek, "I love you."

"Ti amo anch'io, Bella."

Soon the time came for the speeches. Scarlett's was amazing and Ludwig's (I had to.) was good too. Feli's came and it made my heart melt. I did mine but, once I'd finished I smirked in Scarlett's direction, "I have one more quick thing to say. This shouldn't just be celebrating us, because on of my dear friends and her husband are expecting," As I said this I looked directly at Scarlett. She, in return, glared at me before looking down at her lap. I soon caught the conversation between Scarlett and her father, "Love, when were you planning to tell me?"

"I was going to tell you tomorrow but apparently, (Y/n) had other plans. I didn't tell her to do that! In fact I didn't even tell anyone I was pregnant! The only one that knew was Mattie and me obviously!"

"I know, Love. I kow you would have told me when you were ready."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you the minute we found out, Father, but I've just been busy lately. I mean, (Y/n) asked me to organise her whole wedding! That was my first priority."

It was then that I decided to speak up, "Scarlett, I'm sorry."

"For what, (Y/n)?" she asked turning to face me.

"If I'd known you were pregnant, I wouldn't have asked you to organise everything. I'm also sorry for spilling your secret."

"It's okay, wait how did you even find out?! I didn't tell you!"

"I overheard your conversation earlier."

"What?! (Y/n)! Eavesdropping is rude!"

"Well, at least everyone knows now."

"I want to thank you though, (Y/n)."


"It'd have taken me ages to tell everyone. I'd have been planning and planning that by the time I was ready to tell everyone, the baby would have been here!" she laughed before hugging me, "Congrats by the way. I wish you and Feli the best of luck in the future."

"Thanks, Scarlett. I wish you and Matthew luck with the baby too."

"Thanks," she paused and looked at her watch, "Shoot! Well, we'll see you later. We actually have to run. Doctor's appointment!" and with that, she took off after grabbing Matthew's hand. I just chuckled to myself before feeling arms around my waist, "Vee~!"

"Hello, Feli. You good?"

"I'm even-a better now I-a know I-a have you for my-a whole life, Bella!"

"I love you too, Feli."

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