You've Got to be Kitten Me (Half-Neko! Axis x Reader)

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Requested By: TheHolyBreadcrumb (On Quotev)

Reader's Personality: cheerful, kind, and somewhat motherly, yet, daring, adventures, and Determined


As usual, I was woken up from my peaceful slumber by my phone. However, this time it was from a notification rather than my alarm.

"Alright, I'm up," I said to myself reaching out for my phone. I turned it on to see a message from one of my good friends. Feliciano. I opened the Messages app on my phone and opened the message: "Bella! Help! Please, there is something wrong with me, Japan and Germany! Help!"

I sighed and replied to him: "I'll be over soon, Feli. Don't worry." before getting up and dressed. I walked downstairs and grabbed a piece of fruit before dashing out the door and towards Feli's house where I guessed the three of them were. When I arrived, the door, it was unlocked so I walked in. Closing the door behind me, I walked into the living room, Holy shit they're adorable. Wait, how did this happen? I snapped out of my daze, "Hello?"

The three males turned towards me and Feli's face lit up, "Bella! You-a have to help!" he shouted, running up to me and tackling me in a hug.

"How did this happen?" I asked motioning to the cat ears and tails that the three of them had. This time, Ludwig spoke up, "Vell, it vas after ze last vorld meeting. Ve vere valking out ven ve got hit vith a blast of somezing. Ve soon vorked out zat ze blast vans't meant for us..." he continued to explain everything from the fact that Britain initially meant to hit France with the spell to that the three of them would be stuck like that for a week.

I sighed before turning to Feli, "And what did you expect me to do about this?"

"I'm-a sorry, Bella. I-a wasn't thinking! I-a don't know what I-a thought you-a could do to-a help! I'm-a sorry I wasted, your time!" he replied clinging onto me in a hug, "I'm-a sorry!"

I smiled softly, "Feli, it's okay. You have nothing to be sorry for! You certainly did not waste my time."


"Really, Feli. You're not wasting my time."

"Vell, (Y/n), vould jou mind staying vith ze zhree of us until zis wear off?"

"Of course! If that's what you want, I'd be happy to oblige!" I replied smiling.


Sorry if this isn't how you imagined. I tried.

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