The Unpleasant Surprise (Cheater! France x Pregnant! Reader x Spain)

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The full title for this is: The Unpleasant Surprise (Cheater! France x Pregnant! Prussia and Germany's Sister! Reader x Spain)

It wouldn't let me add the whole thing in on the title

This randomly came to me... I swear these appear in my mind at the oddest of times. In this, you are married to France...


"Congratulations, Mrs Bonnefoy. You're pregnant."


The doctor nodded and I smiled. I stood up and walked out of the surgery before making my way home to Francis. I was excited to tell him, the two of us had wanted children for a while and it was finally going to happen, but when I got home, I heard strange sounds coming from the bedroom, on further inspection, I worked out the sounds to be moaning. I walked up to the door and opened it. Tears immediately came to my eyes when I saw what was going on, "Francis?! How could you!?" I shouted full-on crying.

"Mon amour, please. It's not what it looks like!"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! I'M LEAVING!" I shouted dashing back downstairs. I took off my ring and put it on the kitchen table along with the positive pregnancy test before running out the door. I got in my car and drove off to my brothers' house.


I parked the car and got out, locking it before running up to the door, still crying. The door was opened immediately and I flung myself onto the person who opened it.

"(Y/n)?! Was ist los mit dir?" (What's wrong?)

"Gilbert, why didn't you tell me!" I shouted.

"W-What do you mean?"

"About jour best friend being a cheater?!" I continued looking up at my older brother.

"What?! Hat er nicht?!" (He didn't?!)

"J-Ja, Er hat," I replied, "I had just got back from the doctor's ready to tell him some amazing news when I saw him fucking my best friend!" I broke away from Gilbert and dashed up to my old bedroom, slamming the door and flopping on my bed, crying my eyes out.


I was going to go up and check on (Y/n), mein awesome schwester when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see the one person, (Y/n), did not want to see, "Gilbert, mon ami. Where is she?!"

"I'm not going to tell jou! Jou've broken her heart!"

"Gilbert, please. I want to mak-" he didn't finish his sentence as I slammed the door on his face and locked it. It was then that I heard a loud sob coming from (Y/n)'s room. I walked up to her room and knocked, "(Y/n), schwester, can zhe awesome me come in?"

"Get me Antonio! And tell him to bring his turtles!" she replied.

-----------------------------------YOUR POV

I curled up in a ball on my bed and continued to cry my eyes out, holding my stomach. Why? Why Francis, why? I was disturbed from my thoughts by a knock on the door, "Chica, can I come in!?"

"Yes, Toni."

The door opened to reveal the Spaniard, "Chica, come on. Just let it all out," he spoke approaching me and sitting on my bed after closing the door, "I brought the turtles."

I perked up at this and looked at him. He got the message and handed me the turtle. I soon got distracted petting it and eventually falling asleep, muttering, "Ich leibe dich, Toni."


I woke up to feel arms wrapped around my waist. I looked to the side to see Antonio asleep with a smile on his face and his arms wrapped around my waist. I then noticed the turtle on his head and I giggled. This woke him up and he smiled, "Mañana, chica!"

"Good morning, Toni. How are you?"

"How I'm feeling doesn't matter, chica. Are you okay?"

"I've been better, Toni."

"Did you mean what you said last night?"

"What do jou mean?" I asked tiredly.

"Well, you said you loved me, chica."

My face lit up bright red, "Ja, Ich did."

"But what about Fr-"

"Don't mention his name to me ever again. Toni, I know I should have chosen jou over him."

"Well, te amo, chica."

I pounced on him and kissed him, "Ich liebe dich! Also, jou're zhe one zat's going to help me raise zhis child."

"What do you mean, mi amor?"

"Yesterday, I learned something. I'm pregnant."

"Did you tell him?"

"That's exactly what I was about to do when I walked in on him cheating on me," Ireplied tearing up again.

"Mi amor, it's okay. Just forget about him and carry on with life. You coud always-"

"Don't even say it, Toni. I'm not getting rid of this child. One thing I will do though, is divorce him. Actually that's exactly what I'm going to go and do now," I interrupted him before pecking his cheek and standing up, leaving my bedroom.

"(Y/n)! Mein Awesome sister! Vat are jou doing?!"

"Something I need to do, Gil," I replied hugging my brother before putting my shoes on and dashing out the door.


I knocked on the door of Francis's house and took a deep breath, the divorce papers in my hand. I waited for a while before a tired looking Francis opened the door. Now, if that 'incident' hadn't happened then, I'd be asking about what was troubling him but, it did happen so I didn't.

"(Y/n)?! What are you doing here?!"

"Just zign zhe papers, Francis!" I shouted shoving the papers in his face, "Now!"

"What are these?"

"Zhe divorce papers, Francis. Zign zem!"


"Because, I'm divorcing jou! Did jou really think I vould just let zis blow over and zhe next morning I'd be back in jour arms?! Well guess what! Not happening! Now, sign zhe papers! And, no, we are never getting back together, like ever! I have also moved on to somevon I know von't break my heart."

"Fine, I'll sign the papers."

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