Don't (Bullied! America x Shy! Russia's Sister! Reader)

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So... I'm just going to put this oneshot out there in the world for people to read...


Every time.

Every time I saw it.

Every time I saw it and did nothing.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about Ivan bullying Alfred all the time. Due to my shyness, I never had the courage to stand up to him, even though he was my younger brother, I still didn't have the courage.

Did I ever tell Ivan to stop while the two of us were alone? No, I didn't. This would have resulted in him teasing me and probably with Magic Metal Pipe Of Pain. I had a crush on Alfred and I didn't want to tell Ivan because I knew how much he hated him. However, that was until one day: He took it too far.


I was busy getting something out of my locker at school when I noticed it happening again: Ivan bullying Alfred. However, this wasn't like the other times when he'd just throw Alfred's books on the floor or punch him. No, this time, he had Alfred pinned against a wall and had his pipe on Alfred's neck, almost strangling him.

The got my blood boiling. I shoved my stull in my locker and walked over, "IVAN! Stop it!"

"What are you doing, Dudette?! He'll to the same thing to you!" Alfred spoke, his voice coming out raspy to him being almost strangled.

"I'm helping you, Alfred. Ivan, leave him alone!" I shouted at him. When he ignored me, That's it. I got my strength up and shoved Ivan away, "Never hurt Alfred again. Or you'll be the one being hit with this pipe," I spoke picking up his pipe, "And by the way, I'm confiscating this," I continued referring to the pipe. I then grabbed Alfred's had and dragged him off, outside and behind the school, "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Dudette, but why?"

"Why what?" I asked, looking him in the eye.

"Why did you stand up for me?"

"Because Ivan shouldn't be doing that to you. It's not right. I know that. I-I just wish I'd stood up for you earlier. Alfie, can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can, Dudette!"

I took a deep breath, "I-I love you. I have since I first met you." Once I'd finished, I looked down at me feet to avoid eye-contact with him and bit my lip, "I know you-" I was cut off when he lifted my chin so I was looking him in the eyes, "Dudette, I love you too!"

I smiled, "Does that mean I can kiss you?"

He didn't reply but just grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, kissing me. I returned it immediately and wrapped my arms around his neck. However, our sweet moment was soon interrupted, "Alfred."

We broke off and turned around to see Ivan, a purple aura surrounding him. Alfred gulped, "Y-yes?"

Ivan's aura disappeared and he smiled sweetly, "Take care of my sister, Da?" Alfred nodded, "Of course!"

I smiled and leaned up, kissing Alfred's cheek before walking up to Ivan and hugging him, "Thank you."

"Anything for you, big sister."

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