(Denmark x Sweden's Sister! Reader)

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Also, Denmark will probably be out of character for this oneshot.


"Matthias? What are you doing?" I asked the Dane, he had pinned me up against the wall and I was starting to get nervous.

"(Y/n), I love you!"

"I know you do, you're like family. If you didn't I'd be concerned," I replied petting his head. He may have been older than me but I was still the smarter one of the two of us. (This being because he was usually drunk and was very annoying at times.)

"No, (Y/n), I meant it in a different way."

"W-what?!" I was seriously confused by this point. Please don't go where I think you're going! My thought's were proven right by the next thing that came from his mouth, "I mean, I love you in a romantic way."

"W-What?! Matthias you know that Berwald's going to kill you, right?!"

"I know but I can't help it! You're smart, beautiful, kind and an amazing person. How can I not?"

My face lit up against my will, "B-But what about-" I was cut off when he moved his hands to my waist and leaned into my ear, "What do you say, (Y/n)?" Now, if this was som cartoon show, then there would be an angel and a devil appearing one above each of my shoulders. Each saying different things. The angel saying; "Don't do this, (Y/n)! It will end badly." and the devil saying; "Who cares about what Berwald thinks!? If you love him then go for it!"

I debated between the two options before making my decision. I grabbed his tie and pulled him into me, kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss and I felt him smile at this. I then felt him licking my bottom lip. I knew that he was asking for entrance and my brain was saying Fuck it. Iopened my mouth to let him in. We ended up fighting for dominance and then heard the sound of a plate drop before shouting, "Father! I saw Auntie (Y/n) and Matthias kissing!" We didn't hear him until we notice that the other four Nordics (Consisting or Sweden, Iceland, Norway and Finland) were surrounding us.

"Wh't 's g''ng 'n h'r'?" (What is going on here)

We broke off to see them surrounding us. Shit! Caught already! I had a sheepish look on my face and I looked to Matthias who had an equally sheepish look on his face. He was the one that spoke up, "Is there a problem?"

"Nope, no problem."

"Peter, please, go to your room for now okay?" It's better he doesn't she what's going to go down. he nodded and walked off, leaving me and Matthias surrounded by four confused Nordics. It was Lukas who spoke up this time, "Again, what is going on?"


"Hm. Tr'th, n'w." (Truth, now.)

"You want to answer that Matthias? I asked glaring at the Dane, "He's the one that started it!"

"M'tth''s, m'n'." (Matthias, mine) I felt myself being dragged away from the Dane and into my brother's arms,

"But! (Y/n) agreed to it! She willingly went along with it!"

"Well, you forced me. You had me trapped against the wall! I had no escape!"

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)."

"It's okay, just don't let it happen again. Okay?" he nodded and a smiled before leaning into his ear, "Meet my in my room tonight. Don't worry, I have sound proofing." I smirked before walking off.


"So who got you pregnant?"

"Norge!" I spoke pointing to Lukas. That night that I'd asked Matthias to come and meet me in my room at night, let's just say that Lukas caught us. When we found out I was pregnant, Lukas had agreed to pretend to be the father of the child, due to the fact that he had the closest hair colour to Matthias and because he agreed that Berwald wouldn't hurt him, like he would hurt Matthias, so if the child was born with blonde hair then it would be normal. (If you yourself have blonde hair, ignore this plot point.)

"S'nc' wh'n w'r' th' tw' 'f y'' d't'ng?" (Since when were the two of you dating?)

"We have been for a while," I replied not wanting to get to much into the details, "Also, you don't need to know!"

"W''ll b'l''v' y''. F'r n'w." (We'll believe you. For now.)

Thank God that worked!

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