Curiosity (Italy Veniciano x Reader)

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So, I've had this idea for a while...

Slight lime warming (I mean, it involves the curl so...)


"Italy, please. What does it do?"

"I will not Bella! You don't want to know!"

"Come on! Please! If you tell me, I'll leave you alone."

"Never!" he replied standing up and running around the house. I followed him, chasing him. Unfortunately for me, he was faster. I eventually gave up, "Okay, okay. I won't pester you any more about it," I said putting my hands up in surrender. 


 "Hey, Germany."


"What does Italy's curl do?"

"Vy do you vant to know?"

"Because, I'm curious! He won't tell me himself and I want to know!"

"All I vill say is zat it vill do something zat.." he was cut off by a certain Italian, "Hey, Germany, (C/n)! Can we get some pasta?!"

"Italy, ve don't have any pasta!"

"But we have the ingredient, right? I can make some! Ve!"

"Italy, ve don't have pasta ingredients!"

"But, pasta..."

I had managed to sneak behind Italy with him distracted by pasta. Iwrapped my arms around him before reaching up and pulling his curl. I heard a groan come from the Italian and I bolted it out of the kitchen and back to my room.

"Bella! Come back here!"

"Never!" I locked the door to my room and sat on my bed. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to stop him as he managed to burst into my room, "You should have done the ragazza!" 

"Wha-" I was cut off when he pushed me down on my bed. I looked up at him, to see that his eyes had darkened. I gained a burst of confidence and leaned up, kissing him. I saw his face light up red and I broke off, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't-" he cut me off again, "It's ok, Bella! Ti amo!" he leaned down and kissed me again, before licking my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and he dove his tongue in. After a few minutes of making out, I leaned up and pulled his curl again, hearing his groan into my mouth before feeling something hard on my thigh, making me groan.


The next morning I woke up to see the adorable Italian with his arms wrapped around my waist, "Vee~"

"I love you, Italy."

"Vee~ I love you too, Bella," he replied cuddling me more. I leaned into him and feel asleep again.

---------------Narrator's POV

Let's just say Germany and Japan, were severely scared (Is it one 'r' or 2?) after hearing the events of the previous night...

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