Action ou Vérité? (France x Reader)

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If you don't know, the title translates into 'Truth or Dare?' in English.


"Alfred, we're not playing truth or dare!"

"Come on, Dudette! It will be fun!"

"Fine, as long as there's no alcohol involved. I don't particularly want to deal with a drunk Francis or anyone else for that matter."

"That's cool, Dudette! Time for truth or dare!"

We all formed a circle in the spacious living room or the house that I shared with my boyfriend, Francis and a bottle, which had been graciously provided by the two German brothers was placed in the middle.

"Okay! I'll go first!" Alfred shouted. We all decided to let him have his way and he spun the bottle, it landing on Arthur. The American's face lit up at this, "Britain, dude. Truth or dare?!"

"Truth, you bloody wanker!"

"Do you have a crush on anyone?"

"A gentleman does not have a 'crush' Alfred," Arthur replied. This made me giggle, it was Arthur's way of saying that he didn't want to say who it was.

"Okay, fine! Be that way. Your turn!"

Arthur rolled his eyes and spun the bottle. This time it landed on Gilbert, "Okay, Gilbert, truth or dare?"

"Dare! The Awesome Me always picks dare! Truth is for unawesome people!"

"Okay, go without beer for a whole month!"

I was shocked at this; I hadn't expected Arthur to be so savage with the dare. This is not going to end well.

"What?! You can't make the Awesome Me do that!"

"Well, it's either that or you not referring to yourself as 'The Awesome Me' for the rest of the night."

"Can I have the second option?"

"Very well."

"My turn!" Gilbert spun the bottle and it landed on me. Shit. "(Y/n)! Truth or dare?"

"Truth. There is no way I'm taking a 'Gilbert Dare'. That spells bad news."

"On a scale of one to ten, how awesome am I?"

"Gilbert, you ask me this everytime and what do I always say? '9.5 because the only way you get to a 10 is to stop asking me the question and going on about it.'"

Everyone burst out laughing at Gilbert's face (He was completely shocked), "Was? Wie kannst du das sagen?"

"Because, Gil, it's the truth," I replied, a smirk on my face, "My turn now!" I spun the bottle and it landed on Francis. This made me smirk, "Truth or dare, Francis?"

"Dare, ma Chérie. I know you and your 'truth's."

"Correct answer! I dare you to say," I paused pretending to think, "Say that Arthur's a better cook than you are!" I blurted out, trying to contain my laughter.

"Chérie! You can't make me say something that isn't true!"

I leaned into his ear as I was sitting next to him and whispered, "You'll get a reward tonight if you do."

He grew a smirk on his face, knowing what I meant, "Fine. Mon ami, Tu es un meilleur cuisinier que moi."

I lightly smacked his head, "In English."

"You never said I had to do it in English!" I gave him a look and he sighed, "Fine. Angleterre, you are a better cook than me."

"Good, Francis. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"I guess not."

———————————Lime Warning
The night continued on until everyone had left leaving me and Francis alone. The minute that the two Italian brothers had left, he pinned me to the wall, "Chérie, you did say I could have a reward if I did it."

"I know I did, Francis. But, the only reason I am letting you now is because you won't need any protection," I replied trailing my hand up his chest.

"What do you mean, Chérie?"

"Because, I'm already pregnant," I whispered into his ear.

His face lit up, "Really?"

"Yes, Francis. You're going to be a father. So let's have fun now okay?"

That was his cue to pick me up bridal style and carry me up to our bedroom, where he placed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me, kissing me in the process. We made-out for a while until I started getting impatient and I moved my hands, which were previously occupied in bis hair, down to his trousers and undoing them easily due to practice.

"Impatient are we?"

"Will you just shut up and fuck me already?"

"Onhonhonhon~ As you wish, Chérie."

With that said, all our clothes were discarded and the night was one filled with overflowing passion. (Tell me if you get the reference.)
——————————————-Lime Over

I woke up in the morning to Francis's arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and played with his soft hair, in the hope of waking him up. He eventually did and when he did, he smiled, "Why don't you fall in love, mademoiselle?" (Again, tell me if you get the reference)

"Francis, I already have, with you," I replied pecking his cheek.


"Have you decided on what you want to call le enfant yet?"

"Francis, not yet. We don't even know the gender yet."

"Well, if it's a boy we're calling him Francis Jr."

"No, we're not. If it's a boy, his middle name can be Francis but if you both had the same name then I'd get confused between the two."

"Okay fine, Chérie."

"I love you."

"Je t'aime aussie. Vous deux."

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