Take a Break (England x Reader)

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"Arthur? Please! You need to take a break!"

"Love, I need to get this done!"

"Artie, please? For me? Alfred's coming over tomorrow."

"Yay!" he replied sarcastically.

"Arthur, you were the one that invited him!" I shouted slamming my hand on the dining table where we were both standing on opposite sides of, "If it had been me, I'd never have invited him, especially with me in this state," I continued pointing to my now nine-month pregnant stomach, "Arthur, please. I don't want you working yourself to death! That's not something I want to tell this child. 'Oh yeah, your father's dead because he worked himself too much!' That's going to go down well isn't it?!"

Our argument was cut short by the door bursting open, "The hero has arrived!"

"Hello, Alfred."

"Yo! Dudette! How ya doin'?!"

"I'm great, Alfred. I'm going to be glad when this baby is out of me," I replied, glaring at Arthur.

"Don't blame me, Love! You were the one that said you wanted kids!"

"I know, I did. But, I'm still going to be glad when this one comes out of me." I smiled and leaned on the door, watching the two of then catch up. Well, more like Alfred annoying Arthur a lot to the point where, "Alfred, if one more word comes out of your mouth, I will throw you out! I won't throw my tea over you because you're not worth it!"

Their argument was cut short when I felt liquid run between my legs and I collapsed to the ground.


Arthur ran over and helped me up before sending Alfred to help in into the car while he himself got the bag we had prepared for this moment.

--------------------------TIME SKIP TO AFTER THE BIRTH

I was lying in the hospital bed, tired out. It turns out we had twins. I leaned my head on Arthur's shoulder, who'd moved his chair closer to the bed, and smiled.

"I'm so proud of you, Love. You held up well."

"Thanks Artie. I'm surprised I managed to, I was very weak when I was younger."

"Well, you managed to survive and that's all that matters. I love you."

"I love you too, Arthur. All of you," I replied, pecking his cheek.


Sorry, it's short. My brain isn't working properly rn. It's actually 9:55pm where I am rn.

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