Emotions (Denmark x Emotionless! Depressed! Norway's Sister! Reader)

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This is a trigger warning. There are mentions of depression in this oneshot. Please do not read if this is triggering for you! Also, if any of you are depressed or feel like harming yourself, don't. There are still people who care for you even if you don't know it. Also, in this, the Nordics don't live together. Only you and Norway do.


"I'm going to get you, Stupid Dane!" I shouted chasing Matthias around the garden of the house that I shared with my brother with a massive smile on my face. This was a normal day: Matthias would come round and annoy Lukas, which led to me getting mad at him and chasing him around the garden. I eventually managed to catch him and tickled him, the two of us laughing in the process.

However, that was all before 'it' happened. What is 'it'? You might ask. Well, a few weeks after that incident, I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. This completely changed me and I went from being overly energetic to being exactly like Lukas: Completely emotionless. And little to anyone's knowledge, but I had started cutting myself. I had also started to have certain thoughts, thoughts like: 'You're not good enough!' And 'No one cares for you!' along with others.

When the world meetings came, I just ignored everyone and was silent the whole time. It was while Lukas was away at one of the Nordic meetings that I wasn't needed for, that I decided; It was time. I had been in this world for too long and was a waste of space. As soon as he left, I ran up to the bathroom after grabbing a knife from the kitchen and started to drag the knife along my wrist again and again. I was numb to the pain with the number of times I had done it, however, this time, I was going to take it further. I continued this until I felt myself becoming incredibly weak. I soon collapsed onto the bathroom floor and passed out due to blood loss.

--------------------------NORWAY'S POV

When I returned home from the meeting, I was confused; Usually (Y/n) would have been sitting on the sofa, staring into space. However, she was nowhere to be seen. I walked upstairs to see if she was in her bedroom, which she wasn't. I then made my way to the bathroom, knowing that's the only other place she could have been. I knocked on the door, "(Y/n)? Are you in there?"

No reply.

I then noticed the door was unlocked. I opened it and was shocked at what I saw; (Y/n), lying on the floor, bleeding with a knife lying next to her. I immediately called an ambulance to take her to the hospital, I am not going to let you die, (Y/n). You're my sister and I love you.

--------------------------------YOUR POV

I woke up to bring lights above my head, "W-what happened?"

"(Y/n), you're okay!"

"I'm glad you're okay, (Y/n)."

"What happened? Can someone please tell me what happened!" I shouted weakly.

"(Y/n), be careful. You've lost a lot of blood."

It was then that everything came back to me and I gasped. I sat up in my bed, "How am I here then?"

"It's lucky that you are. You have a rare blood type. You're lucky one of your friends has the same blood type as you or you wouldn't be here right now," the nurse responded.


The nurse just handed me a clipboard before leaving the room. I looked at the clipboard to see it was my blood transplant form thing (I know this probably doesn't exist but I need it for the story) and I looked further down the page until one line caught my eye...

"Blood Doner: Matthias Køhler"

I smiled unnoticably at this and put the clipboard down on the bed before speaking up, "Matthias, come here please."

He approached me and I noticed everyone else leaving the room, albeit, some (Francis and Gilbert) had to be dragged out by other countries (AKA Arthur and Ludwig). I turned back to Matthias, "Thank you."

"Hehe, it's nothing. Plus Norge would probably have my head if I didn't help you." I went back to my emotionless state and turned away from him, "O-oh."

"(Y/n) are you okay?"

"You think I'm okay?! I've just woken up in the hospital after attempting to kill myself because I felt like I didn't matter to anyone after my boyfriend cheated on me and I broke up with him and then being rejected to my face by my now crush. So yeah, I'm totally okay," I replied still in my emotionless state but a single tear fell. His face showed confusion until, his eyes widened, "Wait, 'rejected by your current crush'? What do you mwean by that? Who rejected you?!"

"It doesn't matter. The past is in the past, Matthias. You can't undo what you've already done," I responded, still emotionless.

"(Y/n), I'm going to do something and you're probably going to hate me for it afterwards but I can't hold myself back anymore." Before I could reply, he leaned down and kissed me. I was shocked but something inside of me clicked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately. We soon had to break off for air and when we did, Matthias saw something thaat no one had seen for 6 months: Me smiling. This made him smirk before he dashed out my hospital room 'shouting' "Guess what I did!? I got her to smile!" A few seconds later, the rest of the world came running into the room. I just giggled at them all which made them look up at me. They all either were shocked or smiling/grinning widely.

"Take that, she's my girlfriend now!"

I giggled, "Yes, I am, Matthias," I replied, making him walk up to the side of my bed. I pulled him down and kissed him before letting him go, "But, you have to promise to stop annoying Lukas."

"Anything for you, (Y/n)."

"And this is why I fell in love with you."

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