The 7th Day of HetaChristmas - Austria

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The idea for this was suggested by my friend on Instagram. I do not own the plot for this oneshot.


"Hey, Roderich. You ready for our Christmas party?" I asked walking up to him with a smile on my face.

"J-Ja, I'm ready, (Y/n). Are jou ready though?"

I nodded, "Yep, I'm ready too."


Vell, zat vas a lie. I wasn't actually ready for the party that (Y/n) was hosting. I still hadn't got her a gift. This was because I wanted to impress her as I has a crush on her.


Zink. Vy can't I zink of something for her. However, I finally managed to think of something: I decided to compose a song for me. I sat down at my piano and started writing. However, this proved a difficult task. Nothing wwas coming to my mind.

--------------------YOUR POV

I smiled to myself. I'd just got back from the mall after doing my Christmas shopping. Now, time to make Rodderich's gift. I walked upstairs and got to work. I decided I was going to make a little plushie version of him.


And done! I exclaimed mentally to myself. I'd finished the plushie. I wrapped it up as well as the mini Austrian flag I made and the min piano I made too before writing the card I'd bought for him. I smiled and walked downstairs putting the gift on the dining room table before preceding to decorate my house for my Christmas party.


A few hours later, I heard a knock at the door. I stood up from my position on the sofa and went to open the door, it revealing Roderich behind it, "Hallo, (Y/n)."

"Hi, Roderich. How are you doing?" I replied letting him in.

"I'm good, vat about jou?"

"I'm good too. Do you want you gift?" Before he could reply, I dashed into the dining room and grabbed the present before walking back into the living room, "Here," I spoke, handing him the gift. He unwrapped it while I sat nervously and fiddled with my hands.

"(Y/n), did jou make this?"

I nodded, "Do you like it?"

"I love it, (Y/n). It's great. Thank jou," he replied hugging me, making my face flare up red, "(Y/n), may I use jour piano?"

I nodded, "Of course, you don't need to ask." He stood up and I followed him to the room that had my piano in it. He sat down and got out a piece of paper from his pocket, "(Y/n) come here. Zis is for jou." I smiled and came to sit next to him on the piano stool. He took a deep breath before starting to play. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, just listening to him playing.

Once he'd finished I smiled, "That was beautiful, Roderich. Did you really write that for me?"


I smiled, "I love it. Thank you, but why?"

"Vat do jou mean, vy?"

"Why would you put so much effort into a piece of music just for me?"

His face reddened, "Umm, vell, I-I, I-" I shut up his stuttering by kissing him. I was taking my chances, not knowing whether he liked my like that as I was pleasantly surprised when he pulled me closer and onto his lap, kissing my back. I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck and licking his bottom lip. He let me in and we made out for a while until we had to break for oxygen. When we did, I spoke up, "I-I love you, Roderich."

"Ich liebe dich auch, (Y/n)."

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