I Write Sins Not Tragedies

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It wouldn't let me add the full title so here is the full one: I Write Sins Not Tragedies (France x Cheater! Malta's Sister! Reader x Canada x Malta)

I am obsessed with this song... Malta is my OC btw. Song lyrics are in bold italics

---------------------Malta's Pov

Oh, well imagine

As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor

And I can't help but to hear

No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words

"What a beautiful wedding

What a beautiful wedding" says a bridesmaid to a waiter

"And now, by the power invested in me, I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I faked a smile and clapped when they leaned in and kissed. I had had a crush on Matthew for ages but, I gave him up so that (Y/n) could be happy. She's my younger sister after all, why wouldn't I sacrifice my happiness for her?

It was that moment when I regretted not telling Matthew I had a crush on him. A while ago, I had had a conversation with (Y/n), my sister, about crushes and let's just say, it didn't end too well on my half. I had told (Y/n) that I had a crush on Matthew and yet, she still had the guts to confess that she loved him.


It was a few weeks later when I discovered something. Something terrible...

(Y/n) was cheating on Matthew... With Francis.

This made my blood boil. How could she do this? Especially when I told her I had a crush on Matthew! And she knows how much I hate Francypants!

Oh yes, but what a shame

What a shame the poor groom's bride is a WHORE

I chime in with "Haven't you people ever heard of

Closing the goddamn door?"

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things

With a sense of poise and rationality

I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of

Closing the goddamn door?"

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things

With a sense

I decided to confront (Y/n) about it, "(Y/n)!"

"What the bloody hell?!" she shouted turning to me, "Oh, Scarlett, it's just you."

"Yes, it's me! How could you?!"

"How could I what? I have no idea what you're talking about," she replied faining innocence.

"Don't play the victim! How could you cheat on Matthew?! Especially when I told you I had a crush on him!" I shouted, punching the wall next to her, "Do you not even care for me?"

"Why would I? You're my sister."

I had had enough of her, "You better watch your mouth, young lady, or Mr Pipe is going to come out to play," I threatened before walking away off to find Matthew.

"You wouldn't hit your sister with that, would you?"

I ignored her and continued walking. If she wouldn't admit it, I would tell Matthew myself.

I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of

Closing the goddamn door?"

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things

With a sense of poise and rationality


I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of

Closing the goddamn door?"

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things

With a sense of poise and rationality

"Matthew, can I talk to you please?" I asked once I'd found him. He turned around to face me, "Oh, hello, Scarlett. Of course, what did you need?"

"Matthew, this is serious. (Y/n) has been cheating on you."

"My Maple would never do that to me. She's too sweet!" he protested. I bit my lip and shook my head, "It's the truth, Matthew." He looked at me, "I-I still don't believe you." I rolled my eyes and dragged him off to where I had previously seen (Y/n) making out with Francis. When Matthew saw it, he hugged me and sobbed onto my shoulder. I froze up at this before turning to glare at (Y/n), " "Come on, Mattie. She's not worth it. I know you loved her, but some people are just like that. I never thought it would be my own sister though. (Y/n), I'm disappointed in you. Very disappointed." I shook my head at her before leading Matthew away to my house and up to my bedroom, where we could talk in private.

"Matthew, I need to tell you something."

"What is it, Scarlett? Y-you can t-tell me anything."

"I-I love you. I-I have for a while actually. I'm sorry about what (Y/n) did and I'm disappointed in her. I told her I had a crush on you, yet she thinks that she rules the world. She thinks that she can do whatever she wants with no consequences. That selfish little brat although, this could have something to do with me. I always got away with everything when we were younger and everything was always blamed on her. I guess this is just another way of her getting back at me for her and Alfred having to take the blame for everything when we were younger." I then broke down, "Why? She's done this to hurt me, Matthew, not you. She used my feelings for you to get back at me. When we were younger, I got away with everything Father caught us doing and (Y/n) was always blames for it. This is her way of getting back at me. I'm sorry to say this, Matthew, but I doubt she even has feelings for you. I shouldn't be talki-" I was cut off when he pinned me down on my bed and kissed me, "I love you too." I was shocked, "But what about (Y/n)?"

"I may have loved her but, I love you now. If she wants to be with Fraancis, then she can. I love you and that's all that matters. There's no point in loving someone who doesn't love you back. Scarlett, you were always there for me. Whatever happened it was you that was there for me, not (Y/n). I love you. You're also the only one that remembers me. Not even (Y/n) did. I guess that's why she cheated on me." I smiled, tears now in the corners of my eyes, "I love you so much, Mattie!"

I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of

Closing the goddamn door?"

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things

With a sense of poise and rationality


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