The 23rd Day of HetaChristmas - China

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Idea thought of by: platonic_jesus


"Yao! Help me!" I shouted to the Chinese man. I was running from Im Yong Soo and his 'ways'. He was trying to grope me several times and I'd had enough of it. Seriously, that guy's worse than Francis is and that's saying something. Why won't he just leave me alone?!

"Need help, aru?" I smiled when Yao finally decided to help me. I'd been running around for at least half an hour trying to get away from the Korean man and Yao had done nothing about it.

"You think?!" I shouted again at him. He chuckled before grabbing my wrist and dragging me away, throughout the city, "Yao."

"Yes, aru?"

"Why is he like that?"

He didn't reply but just lifted me up and put me on his back. I smiled at this as it meant I wouldn't have to do any running. He kept running, now carrying me on his back. Geez, for the oldest out of the lot of us, he's faster than Feliciano is when he's running away from Arthur. He kept running for a while and we heard the perverted shouting from behind us, "(Y/n)'s breast originated in Korea! Meaning that they are mine! Come out (Y/n)! I'm not going to harm you! I just want to play!"


Running. That's all Yao did. Somehow with my still on his back, he managed to escape Im Yong Soo. Something that I was thankful for. He let me down from his back and I leaned my head on his shoulder. Somehow we'd managed to find our way to the city's Christmas tree. It was absolutely breathtaking.

"Beautiful isn't it, aru?"

"I agree, Yao. Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, aru. You can tell me anything."

"In that case, I-I love you. I have since I first met you, Yao. That's the truth," I spoke after taking a deep breath. The only person I'd told about my crush on Yao was Francis and this is how that conversation went down:


"So, Chérie, do you have a crush on anyone?"

"I have no idea what you are insinuating, Francis. Please, explain."

"Chérie, who is it. I know you do. Who's the lucky nation?" he persisted, leaning on his palm, his elbow on the table separating the two of us.

"Well, it's certainly not you if that's what you think. Are you going to keep asking my until I spill?" I asked him. He nodded his head and I rolled my eyes, "Yao."

"You should just tell him, Chérie. I know he feels the same way."

"How do you know that?"

"Trust me, Chérie. I am the country of love! Of course, I can tell when someone is in love! And you and Yao would make une paire parfaite!"

"Okay, I'll tell him."


"(Y/n), I didn't know you felt that way, aru."

"It's the truth."

"If I'd known you felt that way, I would have done this," he paused and pecked me on the lips, "A long time ago, aru."

"Yao, can you do that again?"

"Do what again, aru?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Kiss me," I whispered, quiet enough that I thought he couldn't hear me, however, he did, "Of course, aru." With that said, he leaned down and kissed me again. This time I reacted and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. I soon felt his arms around my waist and I smiled into the kiss. Unfortunately, we had to break for oxygen and when we did, I leaned my head on his shoulder again, "I love you so much, Yao. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too, (Y/n). I love you, aru."


"You two wankers want to explain why you're late?"

"We had a bit of trouble last night, Arthur concerning a certain Korean and we ended up staying out until midnight so we didn't get much sleep and then we woke up late. Sorry."

"Sorry, aru."

"It's fine. It is Christmas after all. You'll be let off this time."


Day 23 done! (Despite the fact I wrote this yesterday on the 22nd... I was bored and I totally didn't stay up til like 11 writing this... shh.)

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