A Colourful Array Of Emotions (England x Abused ! Depressed! Reader)

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So, in this, the colour of your hair reflects what mood you're in. Also, High School AU.


Red for anger, yellow for happiness, green for envy, blue for sadness, pink for passion, white for purity, black for fear and orange signals a lie. This was the colour scheme that everyone had to memorise. The colour of our hair signalled how we were feeling. This meant that we couldn't hide our emotions.

This made it particularly hard for me as it made it hard for me as I couldn't hide from my friends. So, I started to block them out. Whenever they tried to talk to me, I'd always walk away from them and ignore them. This hurt me as I'd developed a crush on my of my closest friends, Arthur had been there for me through everything. From when I lost my mother to when my father started abusing me. He was the only one that knew.

"Hello, (Y/n)."

"Oh, hi, Arthur. How are you today?"

"I'm good. What about you, Love?"

"Good!" I squeaked. My hair flared bright orange.

"Love, have you been cutting again?" I bit my lip and turned away from him, slowly nodding my head.

"Love, please. Don't do it!"

"I-I can't Arthur!" I shouted back at him before running off.


I leaned up against a tree. And slid down it. My father had hurt me the worst he ever had. He'd thrown a broken bottle at me and it had hit me in the stomach. I curled in a ball and cried, hence making my hair turn blue.

"Love? Love, what's wrong?!"

I squeaked, "Nothing!"

"Love, I know you're upset. What's wrong?"

I sighed and pulled up my top, revealing the bandages wrapped around my stomach. His face showed shock and his hair turned bright pink, "Love, who did this to you?!"

"My 'father'. Arthur, why are you flustered?"

"Well, y-you just showed me under your shirt! Of course, I'm going to be flustered! But, I know how to make this equal."

"Arthur, what do you mean?" I asked, confused.

I noticed him smirk before he leaned in and kissed me. My hair went bright pink but I melted into it, wrapping my arms around his neck. When we broke of hI spoke up, How did you-?"

"One of your other friends told me, Love. It's okay, I love you too."

"I squeaked and jumped on him, knocking him to the ground, my hair now bright yellow, and kissed him again.

"Arthur, do you think your parents would let me live with you? I-I don't want to go back to my father."

"I'll call them now, Love. I'd love you to live with me, though."

I smiled. He stood up and pulled out his phone. A few minutes later he pecked my cheek, making my face go bright red and my hair flare pink again, "They'd love for you to live with us, (Y/n)"

I smiled widely and my hair turned yellow again. I pounced on him and kissed him.

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