(Depressed! England x Reader)

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This includes mentions of suicide and suicidal thoughts! DO NOT READ if this is a trigger! If any of you feel like killing yourselves DON'T! You have so much to live for! You may not think it but there are people that care for you!

Also includes an attempt at suicide!


"Hey, Dudette! Guess what?!"

"What is it, America? I'm busy!"

"Guess who just won the revolution?!"

"I don't have time for this, America!"

"The Hero did!"


"I said I won, (C/n)!"

"Shit! America, you fucking idiot!" I shouted running out the house I shared with him. I was the only one that knew of England's depression and this incident would only make it worse. Id already caught him trying to kill himself once and thankfully he didn't succeed. On my way, I phone him to try and snap him out, knowing he'd probably need someone to talk to.

"England? Are you there?!"

There was no reply. Shit! I ran as fast as my legs would take me to his house. I walked in though the front door (It had been left open and my mind was too focused on my mission to worry about why) and dashed straight to his bathroom, "Arthur Kirkland! You better not be doing wh-!" I cut myself off when I opened the bathroom door to see him lying on the ground, blood flowing from his wrist.

Shit! I called an ambulance after checking his pulse, thankfully he was still alive, just unconscious. 


On the ambulance ride to the hospital, I called the rest of the countries to tell them about his condition. However, I didn't tell Italy all the details (he was too innocent to know them all (All I said was that England had had an accident and was badly injured - Nothing about the depression. Although I didn't mention that to anyone else)). When we got to the hospital, I waited in the waiting room while they were treating him. I was pacing back and forth muttering myself, "This is all my fault. If I'd been quicker, I could have prevented it! Why? Stupid America! Why did he have to win!"

I was disturbed from my muttering by a tap on the shoulder, "Are you-a okay Bella?"

"Do I look okay? This is all my fault!" I replied collapsing into a nearby chair after I made sure no one was sitting in it and silently crying.

"Bella, this isn't your fault. Accidents happen" You-a can't blame yourself for an accident."

I shook my head at his innocence, "No, this is my fault. I-I wasn't honest with you over the phone, Italy. It wasn't an accident. England has depression and losing the revolution was probably the tipping point for him. Thankfully I found him before he died but if I'd been faster I would have been able to stop him completely," I spoke, wiping the tears from my eyes, "I don't know what I'd do if he didn't survive."

"You Dudette! How's he doing?!"

"Shut up you stupid American! This is all your fault!" I shouted walking up to him, anger visible in my eyes.

"What are you talking about, (C/n)?"

"Don't play dumb with me! This is your fault you stupid American!" I shouted hitting him in the chest over and over, tears running down my face.

"(C/n), stop. It's not his fault."

"Yes it is!" I shouted trying to get out of my restraint: AKA Germany. Didn't happen, "Let me go! It is! It's his fault for winning that stupid revolution! If he hadn't wanted his independence, then this never would have happened!"

"What are you talking about, (C/n)?"

"This whole thing! It's America's fault! England has depression and this incident has pushed him over the edge!"

"(C/n), calm down."

"How can I calm down-Wait England?!"

"I'm okay, Love. You don't nee-" I cut him off with a hug, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Yeah, I guess I am but why?!"

"Why what?"

"Why did you stop me?"

"Because of this," I replied grabbing his collar and kissing him. His face turned the same colour as one of spain's tomatoes but I soon felt his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, deepening he kiss. I broke off, due to lack of oxygen, and leaned my head on his chest, "Please, never try and kill yourself again."

"Don't worry, Love. I won't."

"You break that promise, you don't get any tea for a month!"

"Love, you can't do that to me!"

"I can, IF  you break that promise."

"But I won't."

"Then you can have all the tea you want."


"Good! Now shut up and kiss me again!" I replied kissing him again.

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