(Prince! England x Maid! Reader)

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I randomly thought of this... Also, expect more updates later tonight. I need a title for this



"Yes, Sir?" I asked.

"(Y/n), you don't need to b so formal with me. I told you just to call me Arthur, Love."

"I know you did, but what if your parents overhear?"

"Trust me, Love. They won't."

"Okay, well what did you need, Arthur?"

"That's better," he replied before smiling at me, "Do you think you could adjust the legs on one of my pairs of trousers for me? They're a tad long, Love."

"I'll try, but I'm not the best at sewing."

"Love, your best is all I ask."

I nodded, "In that case, I'd be happy to help."

He smiled at me again before walking over to his drawer and pulling out a pair of trousers.

"Would you just let me go and get my sewing stuff? I'll need pins to pin it back up in the new place. I'll also need to remove the old stitching."

He nodded towards me and I left the room, going back to mine to fetch my sewing things.



"Y-yes, sir?"

"What did I say before?"

"Sorry, Arthur. What did you need?" I asked again.

"That's better," he replied before collapsing onto his bed with a huff, "I have a problem, Love."

"What do you mean, Arthur?"

"My parents want me to marry soon and I had suitors coming today." I felt my heart sink as I'd had a crush on him for a while. I had tried to rid myself of those feelings but the kept coming back. He continued, "But, none of them were right. How am I supposed to marry someone when I have feelings for someone else." My heart sank further and he continued again, "(Y/n), what do you think I should do?"

I took a deep breath, I may as well help him. There's no way he means me. I'm just his maid, "Just explain the situation to your parents, Arthur. I'm sure they'll understand. They can't force you to marry someone you don't love now can they?"

"I guess not, Love. Thank you, Love for your help. You're dismissed."

I nodded and left his room, walking back to mine while trying to contain my tears.

---------------ENGLAND'S POV

"Mother, Father. Please may I speak to you?" I asked them.

"Of course, Arthur," my mother replied, "Have you chosen a suitor yet?"

I froze, "About that. I do love someone-"

"That's perfect! Who is it?"

"But, she's not one of the suitors," I continued after my father interrupted me. Both my parents looked to me in confusion but my mother spoke up, "Arthur, who is it? We can make arrangements."

"That's just it! I can't tell you because there's no way you'll let me marry her. She's not even a princess!"

It was then that my father's facial expression changed, "Son, you have to marry a princess! It's tradition! Royalty can only marry royalty!"

"Well, maybe it's time to break tradition. You can't force me to marry when I don't even love them. I love (Y/n) and nothing is going to change that, Father. If you can't see that, then I'm disappointed," I replied before going to walk out of the throne room, only to be called back by my mother's voice, "Arthur! You mean your maid?!"

"Yes, Mother. I mean my maid, (Y/n). I'm sorry I've disappointed you with the fact that she's not a princess but, I love her."

"Listen, if you really truly love her and she feels the same, then you may marry her."

I was shocked at this, "Really, Father?"

"Yes, son. I'm being serious." I smiled widely before hugging him, "Thank you!"

I let him go and ran off to (Y/n)'s room, ignoring the calls from my parents to tell me to stop running in the castle. I knocked on the door of (Y/n)'s room and waited for her.


I was sitting in my room, looking out the window, a saddened look on my face when I heard a knock on the door. I snapped from my trance and walked over to the door opening it to reveal Arthur, "My Prince! I'm sorry have you been calling for me?! I'm sorry I got distracted looking out the window and-" I was cut off when he put a finger to my lips, "(Y/n), it's fine. I wasn't calling for you but I did want to talk to you."

"O-of course! Do you want to go somewhere else or is in here okay for you?"

"It's fine, (Y/n). We can stay here." I nodded and allowed him in, closing the door behind him. I sat on my bed and stayed standing, "(Y/n), I took your advice, Love and I talked to my parents."

"That's good. What did they say?"

"They've allowed me to have the girl of my dreams, Love."

I felt my heart shatter but I kept a straight face, "That's great! You'll be happy." I turned away from his so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to run down my face.

"Love? Look at me." I looked up only for him to be sitting next to me on my bed. Before I could say anything, he pushed me down on my bed, "I mean you, Love. I love you, (Y/n)." I was shocked, "Y-you love me?! But, how did your parents let you?! I thought you had to marry a princess."

"I know but you're a princess in my eyes."

I felt my face heat up before he leaned down and kissed me. I reacted immediately, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him back.


I panted out of breath, "That was amazing."

"You're the amazing one, Love. Now get some sleep."

I smiled and snuggled into him, the two of falling asleep quickly.


Let's just say that Arthur's parents weren't pestering him to produce an heir.

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