(England x Reader)

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I randomly thought of this... Don't ask. This also includes my OC Malta btw.


Another world meeting and nothing got done. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I sighed to myself as I packed my papers into my bag before leaving the room. I was just about to exit the building when a familiar voice caught my attention, "(Y/n)! Can I talk to you?"

I turned around to see the Brit I'd slowly grown to love over the years, "Of course, you can. You don't need to ask, Arthur."

"Oh. So, I was wondering whether you'd like to come and get some tea with me? There's a new café open nearby and I-" I cut him off, "I'd love to, Arthur."


I nodded, "Of course. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it, Arthur." He smiled at me, "Shall we get going in that case then, Love?" I nodded but before the two of us could leave the building, an o so familiar sight occurred, "Francypants! Come back here you frog and give me the paperwork! Or have you not done it?!"

"Chérie, please! I've been busy!"

Francis ran past us and out the building, Scarlett following sweet, "Francypants! Get back here!"

Once they were both out of sight, I returned my attention to Arthur, who spoke when I did, "Sorry about that, Love. Scarlett has a habit of chasing him."

"It's okay, Arthur. I'm used to it."

-------------------------ENGLAND'S POV (A few years later)

"Scarlett, can I talk to you please, Love?"

She looked up before nodding, "Father, you don't need to ask to talk to me, you can just start a conversation."

"I know, Love, but this is important," I replied starting to get slightly nervous. I wanted to make sure that Scarlett was okay with it before asking (Y/n). Scarlett stood up and pecked Matthew one the forehead, "I'll be back, Mattie." before walking up to me. The two of us walked into the hallway, where Scarlett spoke up, "So, what's so important that you wanted to talk about, Father?"

I took a deep breath before replying, "How would you like to have a mother again, Love?" A massive smile appeared on her face, "Are you serious, Father! Are you going to ask (Y/n) to marry you?!" I nodded before receiving a slap on the head, "'Bout time, Father. Geez. But, at least Alfred owes me now!" I lifted a hand to rub where she'd slapped me, "Wait, what do you mean 'Alfred owes you'?"

"Oh, we made a bet. I bet that you would ask her by the end of the year and Alfred said it would at least be next year."

"At least you have more faith in me that him, Love."

"I love you, Father," she replied before hugging me and returning to the living room.

-------------------YOUR POV

"-So, Love, will you marry me?"

I gasped audibly, tears starting to form in my eyes, "Yes! Of course!" Arthur stood up before placing the ring on my finger and kissing me.

"Scarlett's okay with this, right?"

"Yes, Love, she's fine with it. You know, her and Alfred actually made a bet on how long it would take me to propose to you."

"That does sound like those two, to be honest."

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