Advice Gone Wrong? (Italy Veneziano x Reader)

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I randomly thought of this while reading another Hetalia x Reader oneshot.


How do I confess? I don't know how to do this! I was pacing back and forth in my bedroom, of the house that I shared with the rest of the Axis, trying to figure out whether I should confess my rush to Felciano or not. I took a deep breath, That's it. I'm going to tell him. I walked out of my bedroom, closing the door behind me, knowing that Feliciano had a habit of going into peoples' rooms without permission. I soon found Feli in the kitchen, unsurprisingly, making pasta. I giggled which alerted him to my presence, "Ciao, Bella! What can I-a do for you-a?"

"Good morning. Feli," I replied trying to contain my blush. I had studdied enough Italian to know thatt he had just called me beautiful. I took another deep breath before continuing, "Feli, I need your help with something. Well, more like I need your advice."

"Sí! I-a would be-a happy to-a help you, Bella! What-a do you need my advice on?!"

"How do I confess to my crush?" I asked, innocently. I noticed him tense stightly, "Just-a tell them, Bella. I'm-a sure they feel the same way-a. So-a just tell them straight." I hugged him from behind, not noticing the tears falling silently down his face before hopping back up to my bedroom, "Thanks for the advice, Feli!"


A few hours later, I heard a knock at my bedroom door, "(Y/n), can I talk to jou, please?"

"Of course, you can Ludwig. You don't need to ask," I replied through the door. It was soor opened and Ludwig shut it behind him before coming to sit next to me on my bed. I paused the YouTube video (This is modern times btw) I was watching on my laptop before turning to Ludwig, "So, what did you want tot talk about?"

"Do jou know vy Feliciano is sitting, crying in his room?"

"No, why?"

"Vell, shortly after jou came out of ze kitchen ealier, he came into ze living room before going up to his room, a bowl of pasta in hand. I noticed zat he had been crying ven he looked at me because his eyes vere red, but before I could sk him, he'd dashed up to his room vizout a vord. I thought it strange und I followed him, but ven I was about to knock on his door, I heard a load and choked sob come from inside. Do jou know anyzing?"

I was surprised, "No, I don't know anything. All I said to him in the kitched was asking him for advice on how to confess to my crush. That's it. Nothing that could have possibly upset him."

"Jou see, (Y/n). I have a feeling zat's ze very reason he's upset. Because jou've asked him for advice, he believes zat jou have feelings for someone else und he's had a crush on jou for a while."

"What?! Why didn't he just tell me?!" I dashed out my bedroom and towards FEliciano's. I knocked on the door, "Feli, can I talk to you please?"

"Okay, (Y/n)," I heard his voice come from inside before a quiet 'Ve~'. I took a deep breath and walked in, "Feli, why are you crying?"

"I'm-a okay, (Y/n). You-a just go and confess to your-a crush and leave-a me here," he replied, a sad tone to his voice.

"But, Feli. How can I do that if I leave?" I asked sitting next to him on the bed.

"Bella, what are-a you-a doing?"

"Confessing to my crush, Feli. I love you."

"Y-You love me?" he asked, a slight smile finding it's way onto his face. I nodded and leaned up to wipe his tears, "It's always been you. I was asking you for advice to see if I could get out of you how you'd want to be confessed to. If I'd known that it would upset you, I would have just told you ten and there. Feli, I'm sorry. I love you."

His smile increased, "Ti amo!" I smiled back, "Can I kiss you?" He didn't reply but instead leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. We soon had to break for oxygen, "Again, I'm sorry for making you feel I loved someone else, Feli. I love you so much!"

"I-a love you too, Bella!"

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