Starting a New Family (Spain x Pregnant! Reader)

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So, this randomly came to me...


Oh shit.....

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the pregnancy test in my hand again. Nope, still says 'positive'. How am I supposed to tell him?! I then remembered two people that would be able to help me... Antonio's two best friends. So, I called them up.

"Hey, Francis, can you come over?"

"Of course, Chérie. Why though?"

"I'll tell you when you get here. Bring Gilbert too. I need to talk to the two of you about something."

"Chérie, did something happen?!"

"Well, yes. But I'll tell you more when you get here."

"Okay, Chérie. I'll bring Gilbert too."

"Thank you. I really need your help," I replied letting the breath that I had been holding in from nerves.

"Of course, Chérie."

I said bye before hanging up and sitting down on the sofa, well, flopping down onto it actually. Although, that didn't last too long as I soon stood up and started pacing the room, "Toni's not going to like this. I already know he won't, this is bad. Why did this have to happen now? We're not even married yet! Even though he's always cheery about anything, we've never talked about having kids. How will he take this?! This isn't going to go-" my rant was interrupted when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "(Y/n), are you okay, Chérie?"

"Eek! How did you manage to get into this house, Francis?!" I replied putting a hand on my chest, calming myself down from the shock. I hadn't even heard the door opening.

"Antonio gave us ze spare key, Frau. Zat's how ve got it," Gilbert answered.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter now. I am so glad you're here. I need your help," I responded, sitting back on the sofa.

"But why us? Wouldn't you usually get Antonio to help you?"

"That's the problem I need your help with. I need your help on how to tell Toni," I replied pulling the positive pregnancy test from my pocket and handing it to the two of them, "Here. That's what I need help telling Toni."

"Congratulations, Frau! He'll be over ze moon vith zis! He's alvays talking about how he vants a mini him."


"Gilbert's right, mon ami. Antonio's always going on about it! But, if you're still nervous about telling him, then what to do it leave this test somewhere where he'll see it and then tell him if he questions it."

"Okay, thank you," I responded hugging the two of them and sighing, "I know that I can always count on you if I need help with anything."

"Of course, Chérie. Now tell him when he comes back."

"Okay," I replied, breathing a sigh on relief. The two of them then left, leaving me to wait the half-hour Toni had said that he'd be out for.


I nervously sat on the sofa, waiting for Toni to open the door, "Cariño?! I'm back." I smiled and stood up, walking to the door, "Hey, Toni. I missed you," I replied pecking his cheek before nervously moving my hands.

"Cariño, are you okay?"

"Great! I'm fine, Toni. Nothing to worry about," I answered, "Trust me, I'm fine."

"You're nervous, (Y/N). What is it? What's wrong?" he questioned me, taking my hands in his, "Please, Cariño, tell me. I can tell you're troubled. Is it something you don't want to tell me?" I shook my head vigorously, "No! Of course not! It's just... Go and look in the kitchen then I'll tell you."

Okay, Cariño," he replied taking his shoes and coat off before walking into the kitchen. I took a deep breath and returned to my seat on the sofa, Please take the news well, Toni. 

"Cariño, what's this?"

I turned around to see Toni standing in the doorway between the living room and kitchen, "Cariño?"

I took a deep breath again, "It's a positive pregnancy test, Toni."

"Huh?! Then what's it doing in the kitchen?"

"Toni, I'm pregnant. That's why there's a positive pregnancy test in our kitchen," I responded.

Antonio.exe has stopped working...


"Cariño, that's great! I've always wanted a mini version of us running around the house!"

I released the breath I'd been holding, "Thank God. I was scared that you'd leave me."

"Cariño, why would I do that?! Sure this may not have been planned, but still. It'll be fine. I'd never leave you. Don't ever forget that. I love you, Cariño and that will never change. No matter what happens."

"Thank you, Toni, I love you too," I replied leaning up and kissing him, "I'll always love you too." I then remembered something, "Toni, you know we're going to have to tell Arthur at some point right? There's no way we can keep this a secret from my brother."

He froze up, "Si, I know Cariño, but you're telling him and I won't be there when you do!"

"Why?" I questioned him.

"Um, about that. He may or may not have told me not to do anything to you until we were married... He's going to kill me!"

"Toni, if we explain that we were both drunk when it happened, then it'll be fine, Arthur won't murder you for impregnating me."

"Just to be on the safe side. (Y/n), I have a question to ask you."

"Yes, Toni? You know you can ask me anything."

"Well, Cariño, you know I love you a lot and I want to take it a step further. (Y/n), ¿Te casarías conmigo?" he asked, getting down on one knee in front of me and producing a ring from his pocket. I smiled and felt tears brimming my eyes, "Of course I will!" He stood up and placed the ring on my finger before swiftly kissing me, something I happily accepted, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"We'll start a new family."

"Si, Cariño. Comenzaremos una nueva familial."

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