The 15th Day of HetaChristmas - France

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Day 15, here we go!

Idea thought of by: SepiaEve


"Merry Christmas, Francis!" was the first thing I said to the Frenchman when he opened the door to his house for me, "here's your gift!" I continued holding out the wrapped present to him.

"Merry Christmas to you to, (Y/n), do you want to come in, Chérie?"

I nodded, thanking him when he opened the door wider to let me in. I smiled and walked in, "It was great of you to let me come over for Christmas this year, Francis. I appreciate it and it's always good to spend time with you."

"You're welcome, Chérie," he replied, closing the door. We walked into his living room and sat down on the sofa. I leaned my head on his shoulder. This was normal as the two of us were very comfortable around each other. I yawned and felt an arm wrap around my waist, "Sleep, Chérie. I'll be here when you wake up."

I smiled at this and went to sleep easily. I'd been up all night, making his gift and I was really tired as my job made it so I didn't get home until 11 the night before.


I soon woke up and rubbed my eyes.

"Did you have a nice sleep, Chérie?"

I nodded, "Yep! What time is it though?"

"It is currently two in the afternoon, Chérie. Why?"

"I was just wondering," I replied standing up and walking over to the window, "Look, Francis, it's snowing! It will be a white Christmas after all!"

"You're right, Chérie, but how are you going to get home? You brought your car here, non?"

I nodded, "Welp! I guess I'm stuck here until it clears. What shall we do?"

I walked back to the sofa and sat down, "Francis, I need a cuddle buddy!" I spoke, making grabby hands towards him, like a baby. He chuckled before walking over as he'd followed me to the window. He sat down and I immediately wrapped my arms around him.


"Those were fun times, weren't they? Christmas is a fun time with everyone."

"Oui, mais, look up, Chérie." I was confused but looked up, nevertheless, to see that he was holding up a mistletoe above our heads. My face went red, but before I could say anything, he pinned me down on the sofa and kissed me. I reacted immediately by wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him back, something I'd wanted to do for ages.

"I love you, Francis."

"Je t'aime aussie, mon amour."


Day 15 done! Sorry it's short.


Chérie - Dear

Non - No

Oui - Yes

Mais - But

Je t'aime aussie, mon amour - I love you too, my love

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