(Y/n)'s First World Meeting (Germany x Reader)

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Title thought of by: proud_freak


"Do I really have to come with you, Ludwig?! I want to sleep!"

"Ja, I promised I'd spend zhe day with you, Liebe. It's only one meeting, and it von't last zhe whole day."

"Fine, as long as I'm spending it with you, I'm happy," I replied pecking his cheek, "Love you."

"J-ja, ich liebe dich auch," he replied, his face going red.

"You're favourable," I squeaked pecking his other cheek this time.

"Can ve just go?"

"Okay," I replied. He grabbed my arm and dragged me out the house and into his car. The drive was silent until he finally spoke up, "Now, (Y/n), I vill varn joy, some of zhe ozer nations vill probably try to flirt vith jou, so, just ignore zem."

"Aww, does my little Luddy think he'll get jealous?" I asked in a teasing way.

"Nein!" he replied, his face going red.

"Sure, sure. Don't worry, Luddy. I won't let them get to me."

"Oh, and another zhing. Don't eat any of zhe food England offers you, it vill most likely be disgusting."

"Okay, so, ignore anyone who flirts with me and don't eat anything England gives me. Anything else I need to know?"

"Ja, Italy. He tends to be very very loud and annoying. He also seems to pop up out of novere."

"Ok, and watch out for Italy. Got it!"

"And vhatever jou do, do NOT pull his, or anyone else's curl, okay?"

"Why? What will it do?"

"Jou don't vant to know, but please listen to me, ja?"

"Okay, I won't pull anyone's curl."

"Und, ve're here!"

We both got out the car and he wrapped an arm around my waist. I giggled at this before noticing his glare. I followed his gaze to see a male with long blond hair and a rose in his mouth. Ludwig pulled me further into him as the male approached, "Oh, so Germany has un petit fille."

"Excuse me, Mr France but I am not little!"

"So la beau dame know who I am? Ohonhonhon~"

"Well it's kind of obvious. You were speaking French," I replied.

"Oh hey dudes! So who's the dudette, Germany?" America? I'm guessing you're America. God you're more annoying than Ludwig said you were.

"Oh Germany! Germany can we get some Pasta?!" Italy.

"Nein, Italy. Ve have a meeting."

"Aww. Japan, can we got and get pasta!?"

I giggled at this and turned to Ludwig, whispering in his ear, "I'm guessing that's Itlay. You didn't overreact sat all when you said he really loved pasta."

"Ciao! Bella ragazza!" Italy shouted running back to me, "Do you know we can get some pasta?!"

I giggled, "Hello to you too, Italy. If you stop annoying Germany, I'll take you to get pasta after the meeting, okay? But I don't want to here a single peep from you about paste for the whole meeting."

"Yay! Gratzie!" He shouted again hugging me. He then ran off somewhere and I giggled again. I don't know what Ludwig was saying about him being annoying, he's adorable! I was brought from my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder, "Come on, ve better get going to she meeting."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot that was the reason we were here," I answered pecking him on the cheek before walking into the big building. Ludwig walked up to me and took my arm, "Come on, I don't can't jou getting lost." He led me into a big room, that had a load of chairs sitting around a table. I looked around to see a few people there. I recognised some of them: France and Italy, as well as Japan and America. The room was complete chaos; France was talking, well actually shouting at, another guy who also had blonde hair but it was shorter than France's, America was standing on the table shouting, "I'm the Hero!", a guy with dirty blonde hair and wearing a scarf was sitting at the table alone, Poor guy. I'll have to make sure to see if you're okay later. Ludwig showed me to a chair and pulled it out for me. I sat down in it and thanked him. He then turned to the chaos that was the conference room, "Can ve start she meeting?!"

Either no one heard him, or they were ignoring him, as none of the moved. I smirked before, "EVERYONE SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" They all stopped whatever they were doing and sat down. I smirked and leaned back in my chair sending Ludwig a sign to thank me later.

"Now zhat jou're all paying attention can ve start she meeting?"

"So, Germany who's the hot chick sitting nest to you?!"

"Zhis is mein girlfriend, (C/n), she's a new up and coming country so jou vill all treat her with she utmost respect, or jou'll regret it!"

They all shrunk back in their chairs and nodded.

"Gut, (C/n), I vant to introduce jou to everyone. Jou already met France, Italy and America before, so zhere's no point introducing you again..." He led me around all the different countries introduced me to everyone. After all the introductions, the meeting finally started...


After the meeting we were on our way back to Ludwig's car when I heard a shout. I turned around to see Italy running up to us, "Bella! Remember you said you'd get me pasta after the meeting!"

"That I did little Italy. Come on, I'll do better, I'll make some for you myself."

"As long as my kitchen doesn't end up like it did she last time, it's okay with me."

"Good, because you didn't have a choice in the matter," I replied sternly before pecking his cheek, "Love ya!" before hopping in the now open car. Italy hopped in the back and Ludwig got in the driver's side, after snapping from his daze.


The pasta had been made, "So how does it taste, Italy?"

"Best pasta ever! Thank you Bella!"

"You're welcome."

"Ja, I hope she kitchen is clean then."

"Yes, the kitchen's clean. No need to worry your adorable little head, Luddy," I spoke ruffling his hair.

"I told you not to call me that! Or ruffle my hair! I don't like it!"

"It's cute though, the nickname suits you. Also, what you said before about Italy? Complete nonsense, he's adorable!"

"(Y/n), can I talk to jou for a minute?"

"Of course, you can Luddy! You can talk to me anytime!"

"I meant alone."

Italy then rushed out the room, knowing he wasn't wanted and Ludwig turned back to me, "(Y/n), I've loved jou for zhe longest time und I vas wondering whether jou'd vant to spend zhe rest of jou're life with me? Vill jou marry me?" he asked getting down on one knee and producing a ring. I felt tears prick me eyes, "Of course I will Luddy! I love you too!" He stood up and placed the ring on my finger, kissing me.

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