(Italy x Reader)

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Living with the Axis Powers was one of the best decisions in my life. They all had their own personalities which made me smile whenever I saw any of them. Especially Feli. He's just so cute and lovable. Yes, I have a crush on him. I kept it to myself though, as I knew that he'd never feel the same way. That was until something odd happened.

He started appearing in my bed during the night.

I was slightly confused by this, but then remembered a certain condition that Ludwig had told me about:

'The condition of a random adorable Italian appearing in someone's bed over the course of the night. No one knows why it happens.'

I was highly confused by this as it usually happened to Ludwig, not me. The fact that Feli would appear in his bed, I mean. However, recently, he'd started appearing in my bed during the night. One day, however, I was even more confused; When I woke up, I heard mumbling, "Ve~ Bella. Ti amo." Does he mean me?! No, he couldn't, there are so many other girls out there. I decided to ask him about it when he woke up, which happened a few minutes later, "Buongiorno!"

"Good morning to you too, Feli," I replied ruffling his hair, being careful to avoid his curl. I knew what it did (Because Romano had told me) and I didn't want Feli to do anything under the influence of his curl that he wouldn't do otherwise. I remembered what he had said a few minutes earlier, "Feli, is what you said earlier true?"

"What do-a you mean, bella?"

"Well, in your sleep you muttered, 'Ve~ Bella. Ti amo.' Did you mean it?"

I noticed his face lit up slightly, "Ve~ I did mean it, bella. Ti amo!"

My face lit up in joy, "Ti amo anch'io!" and I pounced on him, making him fall on his back on my bed. I crawled on top of him and kissed him, "I love you, Feli. I have an idea that might cure your 'Feliciano-itis' as Ludwig calls it. If you start off in my bed tonight, then we'll see what happens in the morning, okay?"

"Vee~!" he replied hugging me, "Ti amo, bella!"


The next morning, I woke up to arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and came to the conclusion:

Feli was just lonely in bed.

A few minutes later, said Italian woke up, "Ciao, bella!"

"Good morning, Feli. I've cured your 'Feliciano-itis', by the way. You're still here. So I've come to the conclusion that you just need cuddles in bed.


I giggled at his adorableness and then I eyed his curl. I smirked and leaned up to pull it, until I was stopped, "Bella! What are-a you doing?!"

"Come on, Feli! What does it do! Tell me what your curl does!"

"No!" he shot out of bed and downstairs, still in his pyjamas. I chased after him and eventually chased him outside and onto the running track, "Feli! Tell me what it does! Please!"


A few hours later and I gave up, "Fine! You don't have to tell me Feli."

He bounced to me and hugged me with such force that he knocked me to the ground.

"Ti amo, bella!"

"I love you too, Feli," I replied, "Well done, you've done your training for today," I whispered in his ear. Before getting out from under him and walking back inside.

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