Say Goodbye To The Holiday (Hetalia (Mainly England) x Reader)

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This came to me while listening to the song. Yes, I listen to MLP songs! Don't judge, it brings back memories from my childhood. 

Modern AU - So, all countries are just normal human beings.

I also changed some of the lyrics so it would fit. Also, I have nothing against Christmas, I was just listening to this song and I thought of this.


That's it! I-I can't do this anymore! I thought to myself slamming the lid of my laptop shut. I reached underneath my desk to get the spellbook I was looking for. Arthur had given me his spare one when he taught me how to use magic. I couldn't put up with it anymore. What might it be? Christmas. It was just an excuse for people to get presents, eat a lot and get drunk.

"'Merry Christmas', they say in the street
Merry Christmas, they think they're so sweet
Words said so often that they lack any meaning
Why should I join in when I could be intervening?
Everybody loves this cursed holiday
But would they be better off with it out of the way?
Well, okay
Say goodbye to the holiday
With my magic, I'll erase it
The greatest gift that I give today
And everybody will have to face it
No more little games for you to play
After you say goodbye to the holiday
Goodbye, Christmas, you had a good run
Goodbye, Christmas, it's over, you're done
Finally set free from your forced celebrations
No need to reply to your trite invitations
Calendar shorter by a single day
Is my magic up to the test?
Time to see, I can't delay
Say goodbye to the holiday
Prepare the spell, no hesitation
All memory shall fade away
See the world's new transformation
No more shall anybody say
after today!
After to-"

I was cut off when the door to my bedroom was swung open, "(Y/n)! Dudette, what are you doing up here?! It's Christmas! You should be downstairs with all of us, celebrating!"

"Alfred, please, just leave me alone," I replied turning away and holding my arms, trying not to let the tears fall.

"Dudette, are you okay?"

"Yes, Alfred. I'm fine," I answered. The tears eventually fell and I collapsed to the floor.


"Alfred, leave me alone!" I shouted when I felt his hand on my shoulder, shrugging it off, "I don't want to talk about it!"

"Why, Dudette? You used to love Christmas. Please, tell me. I'm your best friend, what happened? Why did you stop coming to my Christmas parties after we were both fifteen?"

"It doesn't matter Alfred. Please, just go and have fun. I don't want to ruin your Christmas. Please."

"Dudette, please. I'm trying to help you!"

"Well, you can't there's nothing you can do! ALFRED, I HATE CHRISTMAS AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE MY MIND!" I shouted again louder than before and collapsing not my bed, "Please, I don't want to be a burden."

"(Y/n), you're never a burden. Please? Tell me."


Alfred ran off somewhere claiming 'There was someone he needed to get'. We were all confused but ignored it and went back to celebrating. Well, we did until we heard a shout from upstairs, "ALFRED, I HATE CHRISTMAS AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE MY MIND!" We all looked to each other before dashing upstairs to where the shout was coming from, to see (Y/n) in a crumpled mess crying here eyes out on the bed and Alfred standing shocked. I walked up and place a hand on his shoulder, "Alfred, what happened? We heard shouting from downstairs."

"I don't actually know, but I know one this for certain, (Y/n) hates Christmas with a burning passion."

"No shit Sherlock!" (Y/n) replied lifting her head from the pillow she had buried herself into before flopping back onto it again and continuing to cry.

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