The 19th Day of HetaChristmas - Lithuania

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Idea credit goes to: LittleWeeb_Puppy21

In this, you're Russia's sister

(F/A/C) stands for Favourite Anime Character


I took a deep breath and knocked on the door of my older brother's house. I was nervous about seeing him again as I hadn't since I was a small country (About the human age of 14 - I was not 19). Why was I nervous? I just left without telling Ivan, or either of my sisters. Anyway, I was snapped from my thoughts by the door opening, "Little Sister (C/n), wha-Wait Little Sister?! What are you doing here?!"

I looked down nervously, before holding out the box containing his Christmas present in, "Merry Christmas?"

I felt him remove the box from my hand, "Very nice, but still doesn't explain why you're here, Little Sister. Tell Big Brother, da?" I looked up at him, "I'm sorry for leaving unannounced but-" I continued to explain and a flung myself onto him, crying.

"Little Sister, you should have told us. No matter, today we enjoy Christmas, da?"

I nodded, "Thank you for forgiveness, da."

He smiled and let me inside, where I immediately embraced my two of the Baltics, "Miss (C/n)! You're back!"

"It's so good to see you again!"

I smiled and patted both Eduard and Raivis on the head, "I missed you two too!"

"Latvia, please find Lituania, da?"

Raivis nodded before dashing off to find Tolys. I smiled and Eduard let go of me, before walking off, probably to update his blog. Ivan approached me and hugged me, "How about we catch up, da?"

I nodded and the two of us walked into the living room before sitting down on the sofa.


The whole time that Miss (Y/n) was talking to Mr Russia at the door, I was watching from behind the wall. Not literally, I was hidden but I peeked my head out so that I could see what was going on and when I saw Latvia and Estonia hugging her, I wanted to go and hug her too, but I didn't knowing that it would make my face erupt in a massive blush, being that close to her and that Mr Russia would notice it and ask me. Then when he got the truth out of me, it would result in even more scars on my back and I didn't want that, so I stayed hidden.

When I heard Mr Russia ask Latvia to go and look for me, I dashed off back to my room and sat on my bed, searching my bedside table for something very dear to me: the little plushie version of (F/A/C) that I'd had since I was a small country and Mr Russia first took over me. Even though it was dear to me, I wanted (Y/n) to have it. She'd been my best friend when she was living with Mr Russia. Whenever I was hurt, or whenever Mr Russia beat me (Idk if this is canon, but if it isn't then it's in the oneshot because I wanted it to be and I'm the author, therefore I make the decisions), she was there to clean up my cuts and nurse me back to some form of health and when she left without warning, it destroyed me as I'd developed a crush on her. Maybe, I can tell her now? I was knocked from my thoughts by a knock on the door, "Lithuania? Mr Russia wants to speak to you." Latvia. I stood up and placed the plushie back in my bedside draw before walking to the door and opening it. I nodded towards Lavia, "Where is he?"

"He's in the living room with Miss (Y/n)," he replied before running off. I nodded to myself and walked off to the living room.

----------------------YOUR POV

"Miss (C/n)-"

"How many times do I have to tell you Tolys? Just call me by my human name, please," I replied, interrupting him.

"Okay, (Y/n). I-I know that in Russian culture, Christmas isn't celebrated until the 7th of January, but I-I got you something anyway," he replied, holding out a whapped gift to me. I took it from him and he retracted his hand quickly. I unwrapped the gift to reveal that it was a plushie of (F/A/C). Hold on, this plushie looks ve-I cut myself off when I noticed the satchel that the plushie was holding. Upon further inspection, I realised said satchel had Tolys innitals embroidered onto it, "Tolys, you don't have to gice me your special plushie. I know what this means to you, you really don't have to."

"I know, but I want you to have it, (Y/n). You mean a lot to me a-and I want you to have it, so that whenever you soo it, you'll think of me."

"Tolys, I don't need a plushie, to remind me of you. I think about you everyday anyway."

"I love you!" he blurted out, his face going red, "Ignore that! Oh no, Mr Russia's go-" I cut him off with a kiss, "Tolys, I love you too!"

"Y-you do?"

I nodded, "Why else do you think I would have helped you so much when you were hurt? It was because I care about you. I truly love you, Tolys."

He smiled, a true genuine smile, "Thank God. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't felt the same."

I smiled back, "No that's what I like to see, you smiling. Merry Christmaas, Tolys," I replied snuggling into him on my bed.

"Merry Christmas to you too, (Y/n)." was the last think I heard before falling asleep.

--------------------EXTENDED ENDING - RUSSIA'S POV

"Take care of Little Sister, da?"

"I will, Mr Russia. Don't worry, I love her and that will never change."


Sorry that it's so late, I was watching the Strictly Come Dancing final and I have a headache at the moment, but I got this written. I'm proud of how it worked out and thank you to the person who thought of the idea, even if I strayed a bit from it, I appreciated the help. And please, I need ideas for the other ones I have left to write: Belarus, Latvia, Hungary and China. Also, keep waiting for Christmas Day! I have a special oneshot planned for then with our cute little Finny! Please comment with ideas for the other nations though! I appreciate any help that you peoples give me!

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