Part 2

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It was a few years later and I was not happily married to Arthur. I'd completely forgotten about Francis. Anna (If this is your name, feel free to change it) grew up to look exactly like me, thankfully as if she'd looked like Francis in any way, it would have brought back that horrible memory for me. However, I was not prepared for that day.


I'd taken Anna to the park as she wanted some fresh also, also because Alfred had come around and I didn't want her to hear anything that was said between the two ex-brothers. I sat down on a bench while Anna fed the ducks.

A few minutes later, I heard a voice, one that I really didn't want to hear, "(Y/n)?!"

"What are you doing here, Frog?!"

"Listen, Chérie. I'm sorry. I regret it."

I sighed, "Francis, sorry doesn't make everything better," I spoke, turning away from him. I soon felt a tug on my coat, "Mummy, who's this?" I froze and bent down, picking up the four-year-old, "Come on, Sweetie, let's go home." However, before I could get too far, Francis grabbed my hand. Shit. I cursed to myself when I realised he'd grabbed my left hand, hence, making him able to feel the ring I had after marrying Arthur.


"What?" I replied coldly, trying to free my hand from his grasp. When he didn't let up I rolled my eyes, "Francis, let me go!"

"Who is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Who's the lucky man you married?"

"That is none of your business, Frog!" I shouted pulling my arm from his grasp and running off back home, not aware of him following me.


When I got home I locked the door and took my shoes off before sliding down the door and sobbing. A few minutes later, "Love?! What's wrong?!"

"I-I'm fine, Arthur. I-I just saw Francis again."


I nodded, "Yeah. I just grabbed Anna and ran off back here." He then embraced me in a hug, "It's okay, Love. I wouldn't do tha to you. Shh. He's just a dirty cheater. You're over him now, shh." I smiled and leaned into him, "I love you, Arthur. I know you'd never do that to me. I-I just wish I'd listened to (F/n). She told me not to date him and guess what, I do it anyway. But you're right, I'm over him now. I love you, Arthur."

There was then a knock on the door. Arthur walked up and unlocked it while I went to the living room. There was the sound of talking before a door slamming. Arthur walked back into the living room and sat next to me, "He won't be bothering you anymore don't worry, Love."

"Thank you, Arthur."

"Mummy, who was that man? And why did he seem so sweet towards you?" I stood up and took a deep breath, turning to Anna before looking back at Arthur who stood up and walked to me, whispering in my ear, "Just tell her. You'll have to eventually, Love." I nodded and Arthur left the room. I turned back to Anna, "Sweetie, come here." She walked up to me and I picked her up sitting down on the sofa again and placing her on my lap, "Anna, I haven't been truthful with you. That man we saw in the park is your biological father."

"But what about Papa?"

"He's only your step-father, Sweetie. Before you were born, I got into an argument with your biological father and we broke up. A few days later, well actually it was the exact same day, your step-father, who you call 'Papa', confessed his love for me to me. I replied saying I felt the same and we were married a couple of months before you were born."


"I'm sorry, Sweetie. I should have told you earlier rather than lying to you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I forgive you. I understand that you didn't want me to know about my real Papa and that you wanted to forget about him," She replied before hugging me. I smiled and returned the hug.

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