Secrets (Teacher! England x Teacher! Reader)

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I randomly thought of this. An I am getting to the request I have but I needed to write both this and another one I have in my head before I forget them.

(F/s) - Favourite Subject (Not English - Or any other language because we all know each country would teach their respective language.)

(S/n) - Student name (Not yours)

Lime at mentioned part!


"Are you ready, Love?"

"I'm always ready, Arthur," I replied rubbing my hands together nervously. Yeah, totally ready! 

"Really? Then why do you look nervous?"

"Not nervous!" I replied over-riding him.

"You'll do fine, Love."

"I know Arthur, it's just, what is one of the students finds out? We'll probably both be fired and I don't want you losing your job because of me!"

"Love, it's fine. I'd do anything for you, you know that, right?"

"I know."

"I'm serious, the headteacher only said that teachers weren't allowed to get into a new relationship with another teacher, they never said anything about existing relationships. It'll be fine."

"Okay, I trust you," I responded pecking his cheek, "Love you."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."


We eventually arrived at the school and I gave Arthur one final kiss before walking off to where my new classroom was. I arrived and walked in to see all the students there. Well, shit! I cleared my throat before, "Everyone quiet!"

They all ceased their talking before straightening up and sitting properly. I took a deep breath before continuing, "Hello everyone, I am your new (F/s) teacher, Miss (L/n) (When you applied, you used your maiden name so that the students or teachers wouldn't get suspicious of your relationship with Arthur). Now, so we can get to know each other, please stand up one at a time and introduce yourself before giving a fact about yourself. We'll start at the front and work backwards," I said pointing to the student in the front row closest to the door.

After the introductions, we started the lesson and thankfully it all went smoothly with no interruptions. Well, that was until there was a certain question, "Miss (L/n), why are you wearing gloves inside?"

"I don't think that's any of your business, (S/n)," I replied, "On with your work. Or I'll send you to the head."

The student immediately shrunk back in their seat, continuing their work. Thank the Lord they didn't pursue that line of questioning. I had to wear gloves to cover up my wedding ring, not wanting to anyone to see it.


"So, (Y/n), what made you want to become a teacher?"

"Well, I've been around children all my life. I have several younger cousins that my aunts and uncles made me look after so, I slowly got used to it. It was also because I wanted children to learn. When I was at school, we had this one teacher that just let us mess about for the whole lesson! When our end of year exams came up, our whole class failed that subject because the teacher didn't teach us a single thing! I just want all students to have a chance rather that what we had."

"I meant to ask you, why are you wearing gloves both inside and during the summer?"

I noticed Arthur giving me a sign not to the them the truth, which I listened to, "Well, I have this condition that gives me extremely cold hands and I still don't know why. Does that answer your question?"

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