(Malta x Child! Reader)

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So, I thought of this idea while reading a Hetalia Parent Scenarios book on Wattpad. This will be in Malta's POV btw and if you don't know who Malta or if you say that there is no canon design for her, then I will explain Malta is my OC for Hetalia.

-----------------------------------MALTA'S POV

"Mattie, whose idea was I to have a baby?" I asked sitting on the sofa while rubbing my now 6-month pregnant stomach. Kumajiro was sitting on one side of me, his head in my lap while Mattie, my husband, was sitting on my other side, my head resting on his shoulder.

"I believe it was your father's, Maple."

"Of course, how could I forget! Father was going on for ages about how he wanted a grandchild and because I love him so much, I gave in! Although, now I'm regretting it. I can't even bend down properly now!"

"It's okay, Maple. You only have to wait three more months. I can't want to meet the mini Maple Leaf," Matthew replied placing a hand on my stomach too. I smiled, "Same. I love you so much, Mattie."

"I love you too, Maple."


"I am so glad that's over," I spoke, now rocking our baby girl in my arms and smiling at Mattie, "We did well, didn't we, Mattie?"

"You're right about that, Maple," he replied leaning down and pecking my lips, "I love you, Maple. You did well."

"Thanks, Mattie. I wouldn't have been able to if I didn't have you here with me."

It was then that the door burst open, "Yo! Dudette!"

"Alfred! Come back here you Wanker!" Well, that's Father. I chuckled and smiled before replying, "Hello Alfred."

"Dudette! Can I see my niece?!" he shouted rushing over to the bed, only to be held back in a couple of seconds, "You need to give her space, Wanker!"

I giggled at Alfred's pouting face, "Alfred if you want to see your niece you have to promise to be careful. Do you promise that?"


"Okay, Father can you please let him go?" My father nodded and Alfred slowly approached the hospital bed I was lying in. I smiled before handing him his niece. He smiled back before turning to the little baby in his hands, "Hey, mini Dudette! I'm your Uncle Alfred!" I smiled at the sight but was soon disturbed from my trance by, "So, what have you decided to call her, Love?"

I looked to Mattie before turning back to my father, "We've decided to call her (Y/n). It suits her well."

"I agree, Love. Good choice."


"What are we going to do?!" I spoke frustratingly pacing back and forth in the living room before flopping down on the sofa, "We can't leave (Y/n) here alone!"

"Maple, calm down."

"Mattie, I can't leave (Y/n) here alone! She's coming with us!" I stood back up and picked (Y/n) up to get her ready to go. I walked into our bedroom and placed her down on the bed before finding some suitable clothes for her for the meeting. I finally found something suitable and dressed (Y/n) in the clothes before walking back downstairs, "Reader to go, Mattie?" He nodded and we walked out the door, me carrying (Y/n) and Matthew closing and locking the door behind us.


We soon arrived at the meeting and I got out of the car before getting (Y/n) out of her car seat. The three of us walked into the meeting room to see it all in chaos. The first thing I saw was my father fighting with Francypants. I breathed an annoyed sigh before turning to Mattie, "Hold (Y/n) for a few minutes, I have something I need to deal with." He nodded and I handed (Y/n) to him before walking up to where my father and Francypants were fighting and sneaking up behind the Frenchman. I motioned to my father to stay quiet. I smirked and got my pipe from my skirt before wrapping it around Francypants's neck, "Gotcha! How many times to I have to tell you NOT to mess with Father!" I then grabbed the back of his collar and hit him on the head with my pipe, "Don't let me catch you again or you'll be in the hospital for something worse than a broken limb! Got it, Francypants?"

He nodded, "Y-yes, Chérie."

"Good!" I replied before letting him go and hugging my father. I broke off from the hug before walking back to Mattie, "Francypants has been dealt with."

"Hey, Maple."

"I love you, Mattie," I smiled hugging him, "Can we get this meeting started?"

It was then that (Y/n) started making grabby hands towards me. I smiled, "You want to come to me, Love?" She just continued to make grabby hands and I chuckled, "Okay." I reached out and took her from Matthew's arms. A few seconds later, she started crying. Of course, I had to forget to feed her before we left. I sighed before reaching down into the bag I'd brought for (Y/n) and took out her bottle of milk. I placed her on my lap before putting the bottle to her mouth. She calmed down before grabbing the bottle from my hand and bringing closer to her mouth so she could drink it. A few minutes later, she broke off and I put the now empty bottle in my bag again.

"Love, why have you got a baby?"

I mentally growled before replying, "She's your granddaughter, Father. You know that conversation we had a while ago? The one where you said that you wanted a grandchild? Well, here you go!"

"Wait, Love slow down! She's my granddaughter?"

"Yes, Father. Geez is your head screwed on backwards or something?" I replied, now getting slightly agitated.

"Can I hold her, Love?"

"Of course, Father, but after the meeting," I responded.

-----------------A Few Years Later

"(Y/n), you'll be fine, Love. Trust me. You may be nervous now, but once you see him standing there, those nerves will go away Trust me, I've been through it myself. Seriously, it took Father literally an hour to calm me down the day I married your father. You'll be fine. I know you will," I told her. She had been pacing for a while. She had grown up to be beautiful.

"But, how do I know I'm making the right decision?"

"Listen, Love. That's something only you can decide. I knew the minute I started dating your father, I was going to say 'yes' when he proposed. I know you'll be fine, Sweetie. Just trust me."

"I trust you, Mother," she replied, a smile on her face. She ran up to me and hugged me, "I know I'm making the right decision now."

"That's the (Y/n) I know and love."

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