(Kugelmugel x Austria's Sister! Reader)

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(Note to readers/myself: to get Kugelmugel's human name, I just typed in Google 'Austrian male names' and found a website. I looked through the said website and liked the name, Edmund. So that's what I'm going to be using for him. Also, because Kugelmugel doesn't have a canon age, both you and he are 16 to start off with.)


"(Y/n), I vant jou to meet someone new."

"Yay. Vy? Also, who is it?" I replied to my brother.

"Jou'll find out ven ve meet him. He should be here in a few minutes."

Just then there was a knock at the door. Roderich stood up and went to the door opening it. A few minutes later, he returned to the living room, a boy about my age following behind him, "(Y/n), zis is Edmund. Edmund, zis is (Y/n), my little sister."

I took one look at the boy before, Oh, Scheisse. I'm in love already. I finally managed to snap out of my daze, "It's good to meet jou. As Roderich's already said, I'm (Y/n)."

"It's good to meet jou too," he replied looking in my direction and nodding before sitting on the sofa. I just smiled and sat down next to him, "So, what are you interested in?"


"I like art too! There's just something relaxing about looking at art," I smiled at him.

-----------------AUSTRIA'S POV

"Edmund, I'd like to talk to jou please."

"Okay," he replied.

"I've noticed that jou've taken a liking to (Y/n). I vould like jou to know zat I'm not against it, but if jou hurt her, zen France von't be ze only von getting a spanking."

"Y-yes, sir! I understand," he replied before walking off, presumably to find (Y/n).


I heard it all. I heard the whole conversation between my brother and Edmund. The minute he walked out the door, I pounced on him, "Ich liebe dich!"

"I-I love you too, (Y/n)."

---------------------------KUGEMUGEL'S POV (Both of you are now 23)

Okay, you can do this. Just ask (Y/n) to marry you. No big deal. No big- I was cut from my thoughts when I bumped into something.

"Jou need to vatch vere jou're going."

I looked up at the voice, "Sorry! I didn't mean to bump into jou. I vas just zinking."


My face flared up red. He was not the person to talk to about it. I wa about to reply when he beat me to it.

"I know jou're nervous about asking (Y/n) to marry jou, but I know zat zhe'll say yes. Zhe loves jou."

-------------------------YOUR POV


I smiled softly and rubbed my stomach before leaving the bathroom to find Edmund. I eventually found him, sitting on the sofa in the living room, reading a book. Now's my chance. I snuck up behind him and draped my arms around him, "Hallo, Mien Liebe."

"(Y/n), vat is in jour hand?"

Of, I forgot I still had the test in my hand, "I may a well tell jou now, huh. Here," I spoke handing him the pregnancy test.

"I'm going to be a father?" I nodded and snuggled my face in the back of his head, "And jou're going to be a great one."


"Roddy, I need to talk to jou!"

"(Y/n) vill jou stop viz zat nickname?"

"I vill call jou vat I vant, now I need to talk to jou. Sit down." He sat down on the sofa and I took a deep breath, "Jou're going to be an uncle." He opened his mouth to reply but was cut from doing so by the obnoxious laughter of a certain Albino, "Kesesesesesesese! Jou finally did it!" Gilbert ran in and patted my back, making me grumble at him, before proceeding to knock Edmund's hat off of his head and ruffling his hair, "Congratulations!" Edmund pushed Gilbert hand off of his head before holding me closer to him, "Don't touch her."

"Gibert, get out of my house."

"Vy? Jou're so boring!"

I had had enough. I walked up to the Albino and started pushing him, "Gilbert, I'm sure you have better things to do rather than annoy me and my brother. Now leave before I get Hungary in here to get you out."

With that said, Gilbert's eyes widened and he dashed out of the house. I rolled my eyes and returned to the living room.


"I told him zat Elizabeta would be after him with a frying pan if he didn't leave."

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