(Depressed! Italy Veneziano x Stressed! Germany's Sister! Reader)

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What is wrong with my brain? I keep thinking of oneshots when I should be revising for exams.


I was sitting in my room, at a desk, looking at a textbook. Why? Because I had an important test the next day that I couldn't fail. However, I was soon disturbed from my studies by, "Bella! Do you-a want to go and-a have some fun?"

I took a deep breath and turned towards my door, "Feliciano, I'm busy."

"Bella, what-a are you-a doing?!"

"Studying," I replied looking back at my book, "And if jou could leave me alone, it vould be greatly appreciated."

"But, Bella. I'm-a bored!"

"Und, I'm busy, Feliciano. Now, if jou're not going to be quiet, GET OUT OF MIEN ROOM!"

He squeaked before dashing out of my room. I sat back down as I'd stood up when I shouted at him and resumed my studying.


A few hour later, I was disturbed again. However this time, it was by a phone call.

"Ragazza! What did-a you do to twist-a my brother's-a head around so bad?!"

"Vat are jou taking about, Lovino?" I asked picking up my phone, "I don't have time for zis unless it's important!"

"This is important! Why is-a Feliciano, in-a the-a bathroom?! He's-a locked himself in-a?!"

"I don't know, Lovino. But please, I'm busy!"

"I'm-a scared though. He's gone silent after crying for ages!"

"Schiesse," I muttered, "Lovino, listen to me. Call ze ambulance und I'll be over zhere in a few minutes." Before he could reply, I'd hung up and I was out the door.

"Hey, (Y/n), vhere are jou going?"

"Shut it, Gil, I don't have ze time for zis right now," I replied before pushing past him and out the door.


I arrived at the Italian borther's house and entered, "Lovino, vhere are jou?!"

"Ragazza! I-a called an ambulance but-a why?"

"Zhere's something about Feliciano zat only I know und I should probably tell jou. He has depression."


"I know, it's shocking but, it's ze truth. Ze happy-go-lucky attitude is just an act. Now, vere is jou're bathroom?"

-------------------------Time Skip to the hospital

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked the doctor, panicking. I was more worried about Feliciano than Lovino was which I was shocked at. I mean, if one of my brothers had depression and was in the hospital due to blood loss, I'd be worried out of my mind.

"He's lost a lot of blood, and if we don't get him a transplant soon, then there's a 90% chance that he'll die."

I took a deep breath o to calm my nerves with what I was about to say. I knew that both I and Feliciano had the same blood type and I was willing to do anything to keep him alive, "Give him some of mine. I'll be a blood donor. I know we both have the same blood type." How did I know? This wasn't the first time Feli had been in the hospital for this reason. I was the only one that knew though, not even Lovino did. That's because it was a day when he had been 'dragged' off my Antonio to do something.

"Ragazza, aren't you-a scared of needles?"

"Ja, but I'd do anyzing for Feliciano."


He finally woke up and I was relieved, "Feli, jou're okay!" Before he could reply, Lovino had tackled me in a hg, "Thank you-a!"

I smiled before patting his back and laughing nervously, "Lovino, can jou let me go now, please?"

He did and I straightened myself out before returning to Feliciano's bedside, "Vy?" I asked.

I noticed hit biting his lip and he turned away from me, "I-a thought you-a hated me, Bella!"

"Feli, I don't hate jou. Vere did jou get zat from?!"

"Well-a, you-a shouted at me-a and I-a just thought-"

"Feli, I was just stressed. I don't hate jou. I never could hate ze person zat I love," I replied before leaning down and kissing his cheek, "Ich liebe dich."

"Bella! I-a love you-a too!"

I smiled and leaned down, kissing him.

"Bella, don't-a you have to study for that test?"

"Spending time with jou is more important zan anyzing in ze vorld, Feli," I replied, kissing him again."

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