Hope Shines Eternally (Italy Veneziano x Forgotten! Country! Reader)

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That's all I felt. Ever since my country dissolved I had to stay at home, not able to leave or do anything else due to me being incredibly weak. Why didn't I die after my country was dissolved? Well, that was because of one certain person, or nation as I should say. Italy Veneziano. Or North Italy as he was more commonly known. Everyone else had forgotten me, therefore I didn't turn up to world meetings. Every day, Feli came over and gave me food as I was stuck in bed or not able to move that much. However, it wasn't until about a decade later that I was finally able to leave the house....


I moved my arms and legs. They didn't hurt when I moved and I smiled I shot out of bed and got dressed before dashing out to the meeting. I burst through the door before regretting it, everyone turned to me with confused faces, except Feli. He ran up to me and tackled me in a hug, "C/n)! What-a happened? Why does Germany always look-a at me weird when I bring you-a up?! I-a was starting to-a get worried, Bella/Bello!"

I didn't answer his question but just returned his hug and sobbed onto his shoulder, "Thank you. Thank you so much, Feli."

"Bella/Bello, why are you-a thanking me?"

I let go of the hug and smiled at him before grabbing his collar and pulling him into to kiss him. His eyes widened and I noticed his curl turning into the shape of a heart as well as his face lighting up before I felt his arm resting on my hips. I smiled into the kiss and closed my eyes, moving my hands from his collar to the back of his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. When we broke off I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, "Thank you. Feli, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here to do that. Thank you so much! Because you didn't give up hope, I can do this," I spoke, pecking him on the lips again, "I love you, Feli."

"I love you too, Bella/Bello."

"Italy, how do jou know her/him?"

"Germany, this is-a (C/n)! Do you-a remember?"

Germany looked at him blankly before, "J-ja. Ich remember now. (C/n) vat happened to jou?!"

"My country dissolved at I've been bed-bound since. I just got the strength today to run o-" my legs gave out and I collapsed onto Feli, soon blacking out.


I woke up on a sofa I didn't recognise.

"Bella/Bello! You're-a okay!"

"Y-yeah. I am. Feli, did jou remind everyone?"

"Sí! Bella/Bello! There-a should be no-a chance of-a you disappearing!"

"Thank you, Feli. This is why I love you!" I smiled and leaned up kissing him, which he gladly returned.

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