(Jealous! Spain x reader)

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Requester: AnnieHoV

I've finally getting to this one! Sorry, you've had to wait a while for your request to be written. I have had other ideas that I've wanted to write down so I didn't forget them.


"Hey, ragazza!"

I turned around to see Lovino running up to me, "Hey, Lovi," I responded tackling him in a hug.

"I-a told you to stop calling me that-a ragazza!" he replied getting out of my grip and turning away from me. I noticed there was a slight pink tint to his cheeks and I giggled.

"What's-a funny, ragazza?!"

"Lovi, why are you blushing?"

"I'm-a not blushing, ragazza! And if you-a think I am, then I-a won't ask you to come and-a pick tomatoes with-a me." He then walked off. I smirked and followed him, jumping on his back, "I'm sorry Lovi! I want to pick tomatoes with you!"

"Okay, ragazza. Can you-a get off me now?" I hopped off his back and grabbed his hand dragging him to the tomato fields. We spent hours picking the tomatoes and by the time it was dark, we'd filled about 10 baskets of them. We, somehow, managed to carry them all back to the house that I shared with both him and Antonio and put them away for later, leaving one basket out to make some tomato sauce to make pizza with.


Just as we'd finished making the pizza, the door opened to reveal the Spaniard. He walked into the kitchen as we were putting the pizza in the oven, "Did you two have fun today?"

I turned around at his voice, meaning I bumped into Lovino, making the two of us trip and fall to the ground. It was a while before I realised the position we were in; It looked like I was straddling him. I immediately got off of him, "Sorry, Lovi. I just got spooked."

"It's-a fine, ragazza." I smiled and hugged him before hopping out the kitchen and to the living room to wait for the pizza to cook.


Throughout dinner, when we ate the pizza that me and Lovino had made, I felt eyes boring into me. However, whenever I looked up, there was nothing staring at me. After I'd finished, I washed my plate in the kitchen sink before walking up to my bedroom. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door, "Chica, can I talk to you please?"

"Yes, Toni. You don't need to ask to talk to me tho," I replied chuckling slightly. Toni entered and closed the door behind him. I turned to him before being pinned, "(Y/n), do you like, Lovino?"


"I'm just wondering, "(Y/n). Do you like him?"

"Toni, are you jealous?" I smirked. He just turned away from me, but I still noticed the blush on his cheeks, "Maybe."

"Toni, there's no need to be jealous. I don't like Lovi that way."

"Does that mean I still have a chance, chica?"

I was confused, "Toni, you've always had a chance. In fact, you're the only one that could have a chance with me because I love you."

"Y-You do?!" I nodded and he continued, "Te amo!" I smiled and leaned up, kissing him.

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