Birthday Special - Prussia

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Happy birthday to the Awesome Prussia! Here's the birthday oneshot.

Things to note for this oneshot:
1. This includes my OC, Malta. (slightly)
2. Therefore, this also includes a slight bit of MaltCan shipping.
3. There will also be some swearing.


Once again, I was woken up by my phone ringing. However, this time it wasn't the German voice who usually called me at 4 in the morning cause "West wouldn't let him do anything", it was the other German.

"Hallo, (Y/n)."

I chuckled to myself, "Good morning to you too, Ludwig. You know, it's nice not to be woken up at 4 in the morning be your brother shouting in my ear."

"Vell, zat's just Gilbert for jou. He has no control. Anyvay, I called jou to ask if jou'd like to come over today. As I'm sure jou know, it's mein bruder's birthday today und he vas to scared to ring jou himself."

"Wow, Gilbert nervous? You're pulling my leg, Lud."

"I'm zough, Frau."

"Okay, I'll come."


I hung up and got dressed and ready before walking downstairs and getting myself some breakfast. Once I'd eaten, I cleaned my teeth and grabbed my phone before dashing out my house, not forgetting to lock the door behind me, and ran to the house of the German brothers. I knocked on the door and it was soon opened by, surprisingly, but not surprisingly, Alfred, "Yo! Dude! Your girlfriend's here!"

"Vat?! I don't a girlfriend!" I heard Gilbert's voice reply before he appeared, "Hallo, Frau."

"Hey, Gil."

"Oh come on, Dudes! Just make-out already!"

My face lit up bright red, I'd developed a crush on Gilbert and Alfred knew. However, Alfred's pestering was soon put to as stop, "Oh shut up you git! You can't tell them when to or not to make-out!" How in the world is Arthur already drunk!? 

"Jou vant to come in, Frau?"

"That is why I came, Gil. Happy birthday by the way," I replied walking inside the house.


A few hours later and Gilbert, along with most of the world, was drunk. Not me though, I was as sober as Gilbert was drunk. I was just sitting on the sofa looking at my phone, trying to ignore the scene that was playing out in front of me: Scarlett and Matthew in the middle of a make-out session. Why? Why do you just randomly start making-out?. Why did I ask myself this? Well, I knew for a fact that neither of them was actually drunk. Why? Well, because.. hm, how do I put it? Fuck it, I'll just put it bluntly, Scarlett was pregnant and she was responsible enough not to drink while pregnant. I sighed, not that I wasn't happy for them, it just made me feel lonely that Gilbert would never like me back, meaning I'd probably never get a boyfriend, cause I'd never love anyone else apart from Gilbert. I was soon brought from my thoughts by the Prussian male himself, "Kesesese~, hey, Frau."

"Gilbert," I replied bluntly. I knew he was drunk, so I could do anything to him and he wouldn't remember it in the morning.

"Frau, can I tell jou somezing?" I nodded and he sat down next to me, snuggling into my side, "Gilbert liebt dich."


"Shh, don't tell him I told you though. He told me not to tell you, Frau."


The next day I decided to confront Gilbert about what had happened the day before, "Gil. Can I talk to you please?"

"Of course, Frau."

"So, yesterday, while you were drunk you told me something and I want to know if it's true. You told me that you loved me, is it true?" I asked, slightly shy, my face heating up.

"J-Ja. It's true. Ich liebe dich, Frau."

I smiled widely, "I love you too!" before pouncing on him and kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, soon feeling his holding my hips. Unfortunately, the moment was ruined, "And you're the one telling me to stop randomly making out with Mattie, (Y/n). Speak for yourself."

I broke off and turned around to see Scarlett there, leaning on the door frame, a smirk on her face. She continued, "Well, at least you told him. I've been waiting for this," before turning around and leaving. I ran and grabbed her hand, "Wait, you knew I liked Gilbert?!"

"Duh, Love. The whole world knows. Alfred can't keep a secret you know. Maybe next time, don't tell Alfred who you have a crush on." She got out of my grip and walked off, presumably to where Matthew was as he doesn't let her go too far from him alone. Especially now with her being pregnant, he's become even more protective. I soon felt arms wrap around my waist, "Vell, at least she's stopped chasing me vith zat pipe now."

"Gil, you know she'll go back to normal when the baby's out, right?"

His face showed panic, "Ja, I knew, but jou'll protect me, right Frau?"

"Nope! I may be your girlfriend now, Gil, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to help you escape Scarlett. You're on your own there."

"Fine, I love jou, Frau."

"Ich liebe dich auch, Gil. I said that right, right?"

"Perfect, Liebe," he replied leaning in and kissing me. Something that I returned happily.


Again, happy birthday, Prussia!

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