How to Stop A War (England x Reader)

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This randomly came to me... Takes place during the American Revolutionary War.

Most of the dialogue won't actually be from the episodes. I will be making most of it up. However, it will be related to the episodes.

For this oneshot, even if your country wasn't occupied by Britain at some point, please just pretend.


The whole time that England was raising America, I watched from the sidelines, still too nervous to tell the Brit my feelings. I'd had a crush on him for a while and over the time that I'd known him, the feelings had only got stronger. I sighed to myself and flopped down on my bed, groaning. I'll never get the courage to tell him! 

"Are you okay, Love?"

I ignored the nickname, he'd been calling me that since I met him so I just thought it was just part of his culture.

"I'm fine. Just thinking."

"Are you sure? Because I heard your groan and sigh from downstairs."

"Fine, I'll tell you. Come here," I beckoned him over to my bed and he sat down next to me. I took a deep breath before speaking again, "If I wanted to tell someone that I loved them, like in a romantic way, how would I go about doing it?"

"Why are you asking me, Love? Wouldn't France be the one to ask about that?"

"Just answer the bloody question!"

"Well, if I were you I'd just go for it. Don't waste time and just get straight to the point."

"Thank you, England. Maybe I'll get the courage to tell him someday."

"I wish you good luck, Love."

"Thanks," I replied. He walked out the door and I whacked myself with my pillow over and over, Stupid! Stupid (C/n)! You should have just told him! 

"Um, Miss (C/n)?"

I turned around at the voice, "Oh hello, America. What did you need?"

"I was wondering, why you still live here if you've got your independence?"

"Well, you see, I actually chose to stay here. I tried going out on my own but I couldn't get used to being on my own. I returned to England's house and he said I could stay here and still have my independence."

"Wow. What would I need to do to gain my independence? I don't know how much more of his food I can take."

"I think you're going to want to wait a few years before you try that. You're gonna need an army before you try, little dude," I replied ruffling his hair, "Don't worry. When you do, I'll help you out. I don't think it's right that countries should rule over each other."

"Yay! Thank you, Miss (C/n)!"

"You're welcome little dude!"

-----------------AMERICA'S POV

"All I want is my freedom. Why can't you understand that?"

"I-I can't. I-I can't let that happen."

"Well it's a good thing that the little dude has help then isn't it?"

I turned around to see that she'd kept her promise, "How ya doing little dude?"

"You really came to help me out!?"

Instead of answering be she walked straight past me and up to Britain.


"Hey! Dudette, what are you doing?!"

"Stopping this war so that no one will actually die for this," I replied continuing my walk up to England. 

"Love? What are you doing?"

"Something I should have done ages ago," I replied grabbing the collar of his jacket and kissing him. I soon felt him kissing me back and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I responded by letting go of his collar and wrapping my arms around his neck. We broke off, "You better let America have his freedom or you don't get to do that again," I spoke referring to the kiss.

"O-Okay, fine! A-America I-I'm sorry. I should have let you have your independence."

"Really, Dude?!"


"Hehe! Thanks Dudette!" He shouted tackling me to the ground.

"America get off of me you bloody wanker!"

He shot off of me immediately and ran off shouting, "Yes! I'm independent!"

I turned back to England, "You've done a good deed, England," I spoke kissing his cheek before leaning my head on him shoulder.

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