Dead Girl Walking (England x Spain's Sister! Reader)

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This randomly came to me while I wa watching 'Heathers' on YT. Yes, this is a songfic. And no, I don't know why I picked England for this...
Being the little sister of one of the Bad Touch Trio. Seems great, right? Well, in some cases it's great whereas in other situations it's not. For example, I'm not even allowed to chose who I date! I guess Toni has always been protective of me but letting a rivalry get in the way of my happiness? Sometimes I doubt whether he actually cares about my feelings. If it wasn't for Toni's rivalry with Arthur, then maybe, I might have had the courage to confess but, due to said rivalry, I just don't have the courage to. What is this rivalry between my brother and my crush? Well, it actually goes back centuries to a certain point in history:

The Spanish Armada

Ever since then, Toni has had a grudge on Arthur. I tried to bury my feeling for the Brit but they just kept coming back. However, one certain incident changed this...
I was sitting at home just reading my book while eating a tomato when the trio came rushing through the door. Gilbert and Toni followed by an angry-looking Francis. I tried to ignore them as I was used to them messing about, until I felt a presence on my head, "Hallo, Frau."
"Gilbert, fuck off. I'm not in the mood."
"Hey, Antonio!"
"Did Romano turn into a girl?"
"Gilbert, I'm going to give you five seconds to get out this Goddamn house before I take all your beer away!" I shouted as I finished off my tomato.
"Nien! Frau please don't! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"I'll forgive you, this time."
A few days later, I got in a fight with my brother.
"Toni, why?!" I shouted tears in my eyes, looking at my brother.
"(Y/n), lo siento," he tried to reason with me.
"¡¿Por qué debería perdonarte cuando acabas de destruir algo en lo que estuve trabajando durante un año?!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face. (Why should I forgive you when you've just destroyed something I was working on for a year?! - Translation) He'd just destroyed a painting I'd been working on. I pushed past him, running out of my room and out the front door.

The demon queen of high school has decreed it:
She says Monday, 8AM, I will be deleted
They'll hunt me down in study hall
Stuff and mount me on the wall
Thirty hours to live
How shall I spend them?

I ran down the street, not caring where I ran to. I just wanted to get away from Toni. He was supposed to look after me, not destroy something I worked dearly on.

I don't have to stay and die like cattle
I could change my name and ride up to Seattle
But I don't own a motorbike
Wait—here's an option that I like:
Spend these thirty hours gettin' freakay!
It was getting dark when I found myself outside of a house I recognised. I took a deep breath and walked up to the door, knocking, Please be home, Arthur. I didn't have to wait very long as the door was soon opened by the Brit, "(Y/n)?! What are you doing here at this time of night?!"
"I'm sorry to disturb you, Arthur. Can I come in though? I've been running for several hours."
"Of course, Love," he replied moving out the way so I could come in. I smiled and thanked him, taking my shoes off.
"Can I get you anything, Love?"
"No, it's fine, Arthur. Actually, there is something you can help me with," I answered, thinking of a plan.
"What is that, Love?"
"Getting back at my brother," I whispered in his ear while running my hand up his chest.
"W-What do you m-mean by that, L-Love?"
I need it hard
I'm a dead girl walkin'
I'm in your yard
I'm a dead girl walkin'
Before they punch my clock
I'm snappin' off your window lock
Got no time to knock
I'm a dead girl walking
"Just a little thing I like to call 'Doing exactly what my brother doesn't want me to do'," I responded, finally succeeding in what I'd wanted to do for ages; Kissing him.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing?"
Sorry, but I really had to wake you
See, I decided I must ride you 'til I break you
'Cause Heather says I gots to go
You're my last meal on death row
Shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!

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