Juliet and the Knight (Knight! England x Princess! Reader)

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I don't know why these keep coming to me... They just do!


"You know this can't work out, Arthur. My father wants me to marry a prince. There's no way he'd let me stay with you."

"Just know that I will always love you, Love. Have you tried talking to your father?"

"Yes, I did. He just replied saying '(Y/n), you are marrying a prince and there is nothing you can do about it.' It's so unfair! Why can't I just marry for love?!"

"I know it's not fair, Love. It's just a princess's duty to."

"I know," I replied pecking him on the lips, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Unfortunately, we didn't hear the retreating footsteps or the shouts of my younger brother. If we did, then Arthur would have climbed out of the window. We only realised we'd been overheard when we heard the door opening and shouting, "(Y/n)! What are you doing with one of my knights?!"

"Father! It's not what it looks like!"

"What do you mean? I specifically forbayed you to talk to any of them!"

"How do you know what I was doing?! You never pay attention to me anyway! THe only time you do is when you're forcing me to marry a prince!"

"Your brother told me he saw you kissing him!"

Alfred, I will actually kill you. "Father, please don't do anything to him!"

"(Y/n)! You willingly went against my orders! I told you not to talk to any of the knights! And what do you do!? You completely ignore me!"

"You can't force me to marry someone that I don't love!"

"You love him!? (Y/n)! This prohibited! I firbid you from ever speaking to him again! And you!" He turned to Arthur, "Never, talk to my daughter again. Out!" Arthur shot out of my room and I tried to hide my tears.

"(Y/n)! You will stay in here for the rest of the week!"

"Yes, Father," I sighed glaring at Alfred, who was standing behind him. My father  then walked out of the room and my brother was going o leave but I stopped him, "Alfie, I want to talk to you!"

"Listen, (Y/n). I'm so sorry I ratted you out."

"Sorry doesn't make everything better! This is all your fault because you couldn't keep your mouth shut! If you hadn't told father, them I wouldn't be stuck here! THIS IS ALL BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T KEEP YOUR STUPID TINY MOUTH SHUT! NOW GET OOUT OF MY ROOM!" I shouted. He sprinted out f my room, closing the door behind him and I collapsed onto my bed, crying my eyes out. A few minutes perhaps hours had passed before I heard a knock on my door, "(Y/n)? Sweetie, can I come in?"

"I-I suppose so. Sulking to myself was getting boring."

The door opened to reveal my mother, "How are you doing sweetie?"

"I'm doing great! Just great," I replied sarcastically, lifting my head slightly beforeflopping back down onto my pillow, "Father totally hasn't just ruined my life!"

"I know what you mean, sweetie. But your father's just trying to do what's best for you."

"So, destroying my love-life is the 'best thing for me'?"

"Maybe that wasn't the best wording. Listen I'll speak to your father and see if I can change his mind."

"Thank you, mother," I replied wiping my tears slightly.


A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door again, "Your Highness, can I come in?"


The door opened to reveal the one person I least expected, "Arthur?! What are you doing?! If father catches you up here again, he'll have your head!"

"Well, your mother talked to him."

"Probably did nothing though. My father's set on my marrying a prince!"

"About that," he replied ,his face reddening, something I hadn't seen before on him.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm allowed to do this now," he spoke leaning down on top of me and kissing me. I was shocked at this, Did mother's talk actually work?! I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck, my hands tagling in him blonde hair. I soon felt his arms wrap around my waist.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Arthur."

"Your Highness, the king has requested your presence in the throne room," we heard from outside the door.

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute," I replied.

"As you wish, Your Highness."

I turned back to Arthur and pecked his cheek, "Love you. I better go and see what Father wants." I stood up and left my room, walking to the throne room, "You wanted to see me, Father?"

"Yes, (Y/n). I'm sorry about before. The king who's song you were supposed to marry had pulled out of the agreement. Which means I can no longer force you into marriage. There are no other neighbouring kingdoms who have a prince your age. You may choose your own love. That includes the knight that you've taken a liking to. I will relieve him of his duties to make sure you don't have to go through the heartbreak if he were to die."

"Thank you, Father!" I squeaked hugging him, "Thank you so much!" I let go and ran back to my bedroom, pouncing on top of Arthur, who was still there, "Father's given me permission to be with you! He said that the king who's son I was supposed to marry, pulled out of the agreement! I am free to choose my love! I love you, Arthur."

----------------A FEW YEARS LATER

It was a few years later and I was the queen of the kingdom. Both my parents had passed and I was next in line to the throne. It was a special day as it was a day when I'd be adressing the kingdom, Arthur by my side.

"Hello everyone! Now, we have an announcement to make. There's an heir coming soon." 

All the people of the kingdom had a confused look on their faces. I rolled my eyes, "It means I'm pregnant."

Everyone errupted into cheers and I leaned my head on Arthur's shoulder. I did feel kind of bad for Alfred, my little brother. He had been next in line to the throne until that night that me and Arthur spent together... 

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