The 3rd Day of HetaChristmas - Iceland

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Here's the one that should have been out yesterday but I didn't have time to write because, by the time I'd finished the 2nd one, it was already 9:43 pm.


Living with the Nordics is fun. Each one of them has their own personality. Anyway, Christmas is the best time to live with them mainly because of Tino. He always gets excited about Christmas and it's adorable, however, it's not Tino I actually have a crush on. The title of '(Y/n)'s Crush' goes to Emil. I don't know why, but I just love him to pieces. However, there was a problem; Mr Puffin. Emil's 'pet'. He didn't seem to like me very much and therefore made the likelihood of me telling Emil I had a crush on him, 0%. However, there was one Christmas that changed this.


I was sitting in my room, in the house that I shared with the Nordics when there was a knock at my door. I sighed and put the book down that I was reading, "Come in." I looked up to the door when it opened, however, I was surprised to see that it was Mr Puffin who had come in. He flew up before perching on my lap, "(Y/n), I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" I asked.

He then turned away so he wasn't looking at me, "I want to say sorry. I know I haven't been the nicest to you. I have noticed something though. Iceland (If Mr Puffin would refer to him as something else, please tell me) has developed feelings for you. He loves you, (Y/n), and I think you'd be a good match for him." With that, he flew off back out my room.

Well, that was weird. I thought to myself before returning to my book. However, I didn't get very far with is as Mr Puffin's word kept travelling though my brain, Does Emil really like me like that? Or was Mr Puffin just messing with me?


"(Y-(Y/n), here's your gift."

I looked to Emil who was holding out a small box to me. I smiled at him before taking it from his hand and opening said box. When I did, I smiled wider, "Emil, it's beautiful, thank you," I spoke, putting the bracelet on my wrist, "Thank you so much."

After all the presents had been given out, I stood up from my spot on the sofa, something I didn't really want to do seeing as I was sitting next to Emil, but I soon tripped over my own to feet, falling back down onto the sofa... Right on top of Emil. My face lit up bright red but before I could get off him, I felt a pain in the back of my head, forcing my head downwards... I soon realised what happened but it was too late, I was kissing Emil. His face was red and his eyes were wide but he still wrapped an arm around my waist, as if saying 'Stay, I like this'. I returned the gesture by wrapping my arms around his neck and deepening the kiss.

However, unfortunately, there's a necessity that we humans need, called Oxygen and we had to break off for it. When we did I smiled shyly, "I-I love you, Emil."

This got a reaction from him and... emotions. He smiled back at me, "I love you too, (Y/n)."

My smile widened and I snuggled into his chest, "I guess Mr Puffin was right." Emil's eyes widened, "Stupid puffin. I told him not to tell you." I looked up from my position of lying my head on his chest to see Mr Puffin sitting on the windowsill, smirking. I smiled and leaned up pecking Emil's cheek, "Don't worry, he just wants you to be happy, Emil and I love you back, so there's nothing to be ashamed about."

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